Ready to apply for the MBA?

Final checklist

Double check if an MBA is right for you before you start the application process

  • You meet the programme entry requirements
  • Your employer and family will support you to actively study for 44 weeks of the year and attend classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings
  • You can start the MBA in Quarter Three

Next steps

Step 1: Application

New University of Auckland student

Complete the University of Auckland application. The University will send you an acknowledgement email with your student ID and ask you to present original copies of proof of identification and academic transcripts you may have.

Current or former University of Auckland student

You will not need to create a new number, you can use your original student ID number but you will need to submit any additional transcripts you may have gained since leaving the university.

Step 2: Supporting documentation

Upload supporting documentation to your University of Auckland application:

  • A detailed CV detailing education and employment history that highlights skills/experience relevant to your programme of study.
  • A personal statement. Please write about 500 words explaining your decision to pursue study at postgraduate level.

Your statement should cover the following:

  • The tangible benefits, skills and competencies you believe you will bring to the programme
  • Highlight any significant role and or responsibility changes made in your career
  • Additional skills and competencies you feel the programme, you are applying for, will support you to develop

Step 3: Nominate referees

You must nominate two referees who can comment on your suitability for the programme.

  • One must be from your current employer.
  • The others can be from a professional or an academic.

Tip: Get your recommendations requests off as early as possible

Step 4: Submit originals

Submit original documents to Student Hubs, City Campus, General Library, Building 109, 5 Alfred Street.

  • Proof of citizenship or permanent residency
  • An official degree certificate or academic transcript

Step 5: Application review

Once we have received your application and evaluated all the supporting documents, a decision will be made regarding your application.

If you are applying for the MBA programme you may also be required to attend an interview.

Step 6: Notification

You will be notified of our decision and if made an offer you need to accept your offer by signing into the University of Auckland application.

Step 7: Enrol

Once you have accepted your offer, you will be contacted directly by a Student Adviser about the next steps for enrolment and any other relevant information about starting your programme.

Step 8: Orientation

Your orientation details will be sent to you. Welcome to the programme!