What's On
Find out about upcoming doctoral events at the University of Auckland. We update this page regularly and add registration links as bookings open.

These training and development opportunities are relevant for all doctoral candidates, no matter which faculty or LSRI you belong to. The list includes key School of Graduate Studies (SGS) events designed specifically for doctoral candidates, as well as other key events across the University that are of interest to doctoral candidates and other researchers.
SGS events for doctoral candidates
April 2025
- Wednesday 9 April: Doctoral Induction (in person)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q83y1/doctoral-induction
- Thursday 10 April: Doctoral Morning Tea (in person)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q91v0/doctoral-morning-tea-with-jr-row
- Wednesday 30 April: Motivation & Procrastination, with Desiree Dickerson (online)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q8219/motivation-and-procrastination-w
May 2025
- Monday 5 May: Doctoral Induction (in person)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q83y2/doctoral-induction
- Tuesday 6 May: Navigating Human Research Ethics Applications with Dr Dana Wensley (online)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q8954/navigating-human-research-ethics
- Thursday 8 May: Time for Research, with Hugh Kearns (online)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q8267/time-for-research-with-hugh-kear
- Thursday 8 May: Holistic Wellbeing for PhD Students, with Rachel King (in person)
To book, enter this URL in your web browser: https://wahapu.auckland.ac.nz/q8w49/holistic-wellbeing-for-phd-stude
- Monday 12 May: Preparing for your Doctoral Examination (in person)
Booking has not yet opened for this event
- Monday 19 May: Crafting your Elevator Pitch Workshop (online)
Boooking has not yet opened for this event
- Wednesday 21 May: Preparing for your Confirmation Review
Booking has not opened yet for this event
- Wednesday 21 May: Doctoral Morning Tea (in person)
Booking has not opened yet for this event
- Friday 23 May: Doctoral Morning Tea (in person)
Booking has not opened yet for this event
- Wednesday 28 May: Crafting your Elevator Pitch Workshop (online)
Booking has not yet opened for this event
- Thursday 29 May: Doctoral Induction (in person)
Booking has not yet open for this event
Note: The above links to SGS events will take you to Wahapū booking pages. If you are a doctoral candidate who does not have access to Wahapū, you can book by completing the Doctoral Event Registration Form.
Other key UoA opportunities of interest to candidates
April 2025
- Wednesday 2 April: Royal Society Te Apārangi Early Career Researchers: CV Crafting (online)
- Thursday 3 April: Making Sense of the Treaty in a Research Context (online)
- Thursday 3 April: Innovate Health: MedTech Showcase (in person)
- Thursday 3 April: Searching Medline Effectively (online)
- Tuesday 8 April: Publishing your Research (online)
- Tuesday 8 April: Vaka Moana - Pacific Worldviews Workshop (in person)
- Thursday 10 April: Putting the Treaty into Practice in a Research Context (online)
- Thursday 10 April: Introduction to the Command Line (online)
- Monday 14 April: Academic Skills: Time Management (online)
- Thursday 17 April: Presenting your Research (online)
- Thursday 24 April: Tips for Communicating your Research - Science Media Centre (online)
- Tuesday 29 April: Fulbright Scholarship Info Session (in person)
- Tuesday 29 April: Kawa Whakaruruhau / Cultural Safety (online)
- Tuesday 29 April: Pathways to Open Access @ UoA (online)
- Wednesday 30 April: Raising your Research Profile (online)
May 2025
- Thursday 1 May: Managing Research Data (online)
- Friday 2 May: Word Thesis Formatting Workshop (online)
- Tuesday 6 May: Introductory Good Clinical Practice Training Day (in person)
- Friday 9 May: Nvivo Core Skills Workshop (online)
- Tuesday 13 May: Transcription using AI Workshop (online)
- Thursday 15 May: Designing Research Posters (online)
- Tuesday 20 May: Publishing your Research (online)
- Tuesday 27 May: Raising your Research Profile (online)
- Visit the Research Hub's development opportunities calendar to see what's on offer across the University
- If English is not your home language, you may like to explore the many English Language Enrichment sessions on offer