All Systems Go! Autism Tertiary Transition Programme

"All Systems Go!" is a free programme designed to support Autistic students and their families through the transition between Secondary and Tertiary education.

Programme overview

"All Systems Go!" is a free programme offered by Inclusive Learning at the University of Auckland. Inclusive Learning advisors support neurodiverse students to enhance their academic success at university.

The programme is suitable for students and their whānau who:

  • Have a diagnosis of Autism.
  • Are in their final year of secondary school.
  • Are considering tertiary study at any university in 2025.

Students and whānau are encouraged to engage with all aspects of the programme, but can choose to participate in the parts they feel are most relevant to them.

Webinar: “Get Set!”

Date: 12 September 2024          Time: 6.30–7.30pm

This webinar is designed to prepare Autistic secondary school students for their transition to university, by providing information about key aspects of university life and guidance about how to navigate these. Topics include social relationships, academic expectations, neurodiverse wellbeing, and preparing for the tertiary environment. Students and whānau who attend this session will receive access to the ‘Get Set! Autism Transition’ workbook that complements the material presented in the webinar.

“Get Going!” Welcome day

Date: 18 February 2025               Time: 9am-2pm

This one day event is for Autistic students and their whānau who have enrolled to study at the University of Auckland. Students will explore key locations, support services and resources. Students will have the opportunity to connect with other Autistic students, and can join a Q + A session for any questions they may have about starting university study.

Ongoing support

Students who participate in the programme and who have enrolled to study at the University of Auckland, will be offered the opportunity to schedule a free one-to-one meeting with a Learning Adviser to discuss their academic support needs for their first Semester of University.

If you are interested in participating in the “All Systems Go! Autism Tertiary Transition Programme”, please register for free below. 

All Systems Go! Graphic with two students dancing