Exam mode A - Remote online non-invigilated exam on Inspera

When do I start my online exam? Does it have to be at the exact time it says on the timetable?

Your exam should be started at the time stated on your timetable. The exam closes automatically, at the same time for everyone who is taking it.

So, if you start your exam late, you will have less time to complete your exam than other students and you may put yourself under undue pressure.

How do I access Inspera for my exam?

Inspera can be used with standard web browsers, although Google Chrome is preferred. The two most recent, stable versions of the following web browsers are always supported:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge 
  • Mozilla Firefox

In your Canvas course, locate the Online Exam assignment. This will link to the Inspera Assessment for your exam.

An Inspera Assessment cannot be started until the test window is open (when the start date and time have been reached).

What are the alternative options to a reader?

Inspera supports:

  • JAWS and Windows Narrator for Windows
  • VoiceOver on macOS and iOS
  • ChromeVox Next on Chromebook

It also has built-in speech-to-text functionality as part of its range of accessibility features.

What websites and applications can I access during my exam?

You may consult notes and other material as you work; these may be hard copies or found online or within an application on your computer.

If you use this material in your examination answer, it must be referenced, put into your own words and/or quoted appropriately. This applies to published or unpublished work, internet sources, lecture slides, lecture notes, work you have previously submitted for marking and all other resources.

It's important to note that even in ‘Open Book’ exams, you must not use any unauthorised assistance in completing your exam. Unauthorised help encompasses, but is not limited to, actions such as seeking help from another person, friend, family member, third party (including artificial intelligence), tutorials, study-help websites, or answer services.

Failure to comply will result in an academic misconduct investigation under the Student Academic Conduct Statute.

If you have specific questions about what sources or material you can use in your exam, talk to your lecturer or course director. It is important you are very on what sources are appropriate and how to reference these sources in your work.

Can I type my answer in another programme and then copy and paste my answer into Inspera?

The University does not encourage the use of copy and paste functionality when completing your online exams, as this can lead to accusations of academic integrity breaches, potential data loss, and technical issues.

However, we are aware that for some courses, copy-and-paste functionality may be required in specific and allowed circumstances.

  • For Windows use ctrl+c and ctrl+v
  • For Mac, cmd+c and cmd+v 

If you  experience issues, try using your mouse.

I want to write my Inspera essay answer in Te Reo Māori. Can I add te reo as a language so the spell check works?

Yes, you can add te reo Māori as a language for the spell checker by selecting ‘Māori’. This will allow Inspera to accept the te reo words that have been added to the spell checker.

Please note that the spell checker functionality is currently only available for essay type questions.

To add te reo Māori as a language for the spell checker in Inspera:

  • Click on the ‘settings’ icon at the bottom of the essay question box
  • From the ‘Language’ drop down menu, select ‘Maori’

You can find out more about the spell checker for essay questions in Inspera, by visiting Enabling spell checker.

Can I use Grammarly during my exam?

Inspera has spell check switched on for all exams. Grammarly can run in both versions of Inspera (Inspera Integrity Browser, previously Inspera Exam Portal, and Inspera Assessment). If you want to check how Grammarly works, please try one of our demo tests.

What happens if I was unable to upload a file before my exam closed?

If you sat your exam on Inspera and your file started uploading before the exam closed, it will continue after the exam end time until the upload is complete.

If you experienced technical or other issues that prevented you from beginning to upload one or more files during your exam, contact Assessment Services immediately and attach the document(s) by emailing exams@auckland.ac.nz.

You must not modify your document in any way after the exam deadline, including clicking on the document and saving again after the exam ends.

What happens if power to my device is lost during my online exam?

Your work will not be lost as Inspera is cloud-based and your answers will save every six seconds. Find somewhere with power and continue your work. Or, if you have access to an alternative device, you can log back into Inspera and continue.

What happens if Wi-Fi goes down during my Inspera exam on-campus?

There are robust offline procedures in place during exams so you can still continue your Inspera exam offline. Your work is still saved.

For further information around sitting an Inspera exam, please see Inspera online assessments Student Support.

Are there any on campus spaces to sit remote exams if I don’t have a suitable space at home?

Limited spaces on campus are available during exams if your home environment is not suitable to sit your remote exam. Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis.

City Campus:

  • Exam Mode A - OGGB, Building 260, Level 0, Computer Lab 8

Te Papa Ako o Tai Tokerau library and hub will extend opening hours to provide exam-sitting spaces for Te Papa Ako o Tai Tokerau exams if you don’t have a suitable space at home.

All other days they will be open during their normal operating hours:

Monday to Friday: 8am-4.30pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm

Te Papa Ako Tai Tonga hub will be open during their normal operating hours:

Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9am-5pm

Will I receive extra time during my online exam to address technical issues and to collate, upload and submit all my exam answers and workings?

Yes, an additional 30 minutes has been added to all online exams to allow for technical issues you may encounter and/or completing file uploads. Two-hour exams will now be extended to 150 minutes, and three-hour exams to 210 minutes.

For Inspera exams, the auto-submit functionality means your answers are saved and submitted at the time your exam closes, should you run out of time or forget to submit your answers manually.

Does the University have access to the data held on my device if I am using it for Inspera?

No, the University cannot access any personal data on your device. Inspera is a cloud-based software programme, accessed through your chosen internet browser (in the same way as Canvas, Student Services Online), with no installation is required, unless you have an Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB, previously IEP - Inspera Exam Portal) exam.

How do I check if I have submitted my Inspera online test/exam?

Log into the standard Inspera dashboard. Locate the exam you want to check to view the submission status.

Here is an example submission status:

Where and how do I access my Inspera exam submission?

You will be able to access your Inspera exam submission shortly after your final grade has been published on Student Services Online.

For both invigilated and non-invigilated exams:

  • Log into your Inspera dashboard
  • Click on the appropriate exam 
  • Access your submitted exam script under the ‘Archive’ tab

Exam submissions will be available for a period of 4 months. You may download your exam submission if you wish.

What marks will I see in Inspera?

When you access your exam script in Inspera you will be able to see the raw marks awarded to you for each question.

Note that if your exam required you to complete multiple questions as part of one file upload you will only see the total raw marks related to the one file upload (rather than raw marks per question).

For multiple-choice questions, you will be able to see the questions you answered correctly and also the correct answer for any questions you answered incorrectly. Please note, when your exam marks are transferred from Inspera to Canvas, your final raw exam mark will appear.

Frequently asked questions