The role of the Pro VC Māori
Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins (Ngāti Hau, Ngāpuhi) is the Ihonuku | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori).

E aku nui, e aku rahi,
Koutou ngā uri o Tuperiri, o Tāmaki herenga waka, tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Huruiki te maunga
Ko Whakapara te awa
Ko Ngāti Hau te hapu
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Whakapara te marae
Ko Te Kawehau Hoskins tēnei
I acknowledge the work of all those before us who have demonstrated courageous leadership for Te Ao Māori. E mihi kau ana ki a rātou.
Our mission is to ensure that Māori ways of thinking, being and doing thrive at the University and we are well on this journey. Achieving this means the knowledge produced by us will positively contribute to whānau, community and iwi-led development. And flourishing Māori communities are central to a sustainable, thriving and socially-just Aotearoa New Zealand.
He kai kei aku ringa
The means to flourishing are in my hands.
About the Pro-Vice Chancellor Māori role
Te Kawehau focuses on developing a positive Māori profile within and about the University and helping develop Māori programmes in liaison with the Vice-Chancellor, Māori staff, students and the community.
She advises the University at all levels, from the Vice-Chancellor to the University Executive Committee and faculties through our management structure.
At the faculty level, Te Kawehau works with kaiārahi to support both academic and professional staff. She maintains working relationships with Māori student groups.
Te Kawehau is also responsible for Waipapa Marae and the Rūnanga:
Ngā Whakapā | Contact information
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori)
Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins (Ngāti Hau, Ngāpuhi)
Ihonuku | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori)
Wairemana Phillips
Kaiāwhina | Executive Assistant to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori)