Procedures and processes

All accidents and incidents, even if there were no injuries, must be immediately reported and recorded.

Top five points to remember

  1. Immediately seek first aid or medical treatment if required.
  2. If someone suffers a serious injury, immediately contact Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
  3. Make the site safe but leave the scene of the accident untouched for investigation. 
  4. Within 24 hours of the event, report the incident

Learn more:

  • First Aid
  • AED defibrillator device locations (for restoring heart function).



Ask your manager or a member of the Health and Safety Committee for assistance if you have any difficulty completing the report.

Supervisors and managers: Responses and roles

If you are a supervisor or manager, there are a sequence of immediate response actions you must follow. 

Learn more: Responses and roles of supervisors and managers.

Students/visitors/honorary staff members

Contractors (principals)/ sub-contractors/ self-employed contractors

You are required to notify the University of all incidents/accidents that occur:

  • To your employees, or employees of sub-contractors
  • To any other person harmed or potentially harmed by your work.
  • With your manager, before the end of your shift, report the incident

Why do you need to fill out a reporting form quickly?

  • The form supplies Facilities Management and Health, Safety and Wellbeing with the information needed to support you if you have an accident.
  • Reporting also helps prevent mistakes being repeated. If we don’t know what has happened, we can’t make the changes required to prevent it happening again.

ACC claims

  • Reporting without delay enables us to quickly activate the University’s work-related ACC claims process, and ensure the person is covered and supported with appropriate treatment and rehabilitation. 
    • An ACC claim will be activated when the person receives treatment from an ACC-registered treatment provider (e.g. doctor, physiotherapist, accident and emergency clinic), who will complete an ACC 45 injury claim form (medical certificate).
  • The report is vital as supporting documentation if you have an ACC claim.

More information: Injury management.

Staff: Reporting unsafe situations

If you become aware of an unsafe situation:

  • Stop any work that's happening
  • Report the situation to your head of department or manager as soon as possible 
  • Report the unsafe situation
  • If you have any questions or are not sure what to do, contact us

Find out more about what to do: Reporting security, theft and related concerns.

Document Control
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: Dec 2019
Next Review: Dec 2022
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing