Bridge to Law School

Embark on the Bridge to Law School – your gateway to a world of opportunity, growth, and success. This programme isn't just a bridge; it's a transformative journey designed to empower your transition to law school, enrich your academic path, and equip you with the connections and resources essential for excelling in legal education.

Bridge to Law School


The Bridge to Law School is available to school leavers starting the LLB Part I in Semester 1 2024.

Application process

Please complete the Bridge to Law School application form by 12:pm, 20 January 2024.

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Scan the QR code to register

Check out some of the awesome features of the Bridge to Law School programme.

Transitioning to Law School: Your Path to Success

1. Academic Excellence Preparation

Our programme tailors academic skill development sessions to suit the needs of aspiring law students. These sessions are meticulously designed to equip you with the essential tools required for Part I Law success. From honing critical thinking and mastering legal research to analysing cases and perfecting legal writing, we are committed to ensuring your excellence in legal studies.

2. Navigating University and Law School Life

Embarking on your journey at a new university can be overwhelming. Our Bridge to Law School initiative offers comprehensive guidance and orientation to help you navigate the intricacies of both the university and Law School systems. Gain insights into campus facilities, streamline administrative processes, master course registration procedures, and tap into the wealth of academic resources dedicated to law students.

3. Fostering Academic Connections

Building a solid network of academic relationships is pivotal in your law school experience. Our program creates a conducive environment for you to connect with fellow aspiring legal minds. Engage in study groups and collaborative learning activities that cultivate teamwork and camaraderie, fostering a supportive learning community that lasts well beyond graduation.

4. Early Immersion in Law School Life

Immerse yourself in the vibrant law school community in the first few weeks of starting your classes. The Bridge to Law School initiative offers access to a range of academic and social events, workshops, and seminars organised by the Law School. This integration ensures you feel connected and involved from the outset of your law school journey.

5. Support for Your Academic and Personal Journey

The transition to law school can pose academic and emotional challenges. Our program recognizes this and ensures continuous access to a network of support. Count on academic advisors, mentors, and pastoral care advisers who are ready to assist you in overcoming any academic or personal hurdles you may encounter during your time at Law School.

6. Early Glimpse into Legal Practice

Get a firsthand experience of the practical facets of law through our Bridge to Law School initiatives. Participate in moot court simulations and engage with guest lectures delivered by legal practitioners. This early exposure offers a valuable insight into the real-world application of legal knowledge and skills.

7. Personal and Professional Growth

Beyond academic excellence, our program is dedicated to your holistic development. Engage in workshops and seminars tailored to enhance both your personal and professional skills. Master the art of time management, refine your public speaking abilities, chart your career path, and build a robust professional network, all in preparation for a successful legal career beyond law school.