Meet our Rainbow Support Adviser, Ricky

Their role as the Kaimahi Taumatua mō te Hunga Āniwaniwa | Rainbow Support Adviser is to advocate for the diverse student rainbow communities on campus.

Ricky - the Rainbow Support Adviser - stands in front of a flowering shrub

The Rainbow Support Adviser takes a holistic, personalised approach to student wellbeing for our rainbow community, offering 1:1 and group opportunities to discuss issues that might impact student success. This includes offering wellbeing support, the provision of rainbow education and training resources, and addressing structural issues within our tertiary environment. The role also seeks to cultivate a rainbow community and enhanced sense of belonging for students.

Ricky's biography

Tēnā koutou
Nō Aotearoa, nō Piripīni hoki ōku tūpuna
I whānau mai au i Tāmaki Makaurau
Kei Waipapa Taumata Rau ahau e mahi ana, hei Kaimahi Taumatua mō te Hunga Āniwaniwa
Ko Ricky tōku ingoa

Ricky (they/he) is a transmasculine non-binary staff member who is our Rainbow Support Adviser. Ricky has a deep passion for queer advocacy and the uplifting of his community, and has experience in previous roles of rainbow advocacy and queer peer support work. They have completed a Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology and is aiming to keep working in spaces that uplift the queer community.

We are thrilled to have such a passionate and experienced young person to fill the role of Rainbow Support Advisor to guide and assist our rainbow students. Alongside offering pastoral support, he exists as a connector across the University and contributes to a better student experience.

You can contact Ricky directly, via the form linked at the top or the page or by emailing