Student Charter

This outlines the roles and responsibilities of staff and students.

This Student Charter sets out the principles underpinning the relationship between you and the University of Auckland. It recognises the expectations you have of the University, and in turn, that the University has of you.

Our University is a research-led community of teaching and learning. A community of teaching and learning, however, is about more than just the pursuit of higher education. Our University is here to enable you to develop the skills, values and attributes to be active contributors and leaders in our diverse society; to understand and respect the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi; and to engage with opportunities to enrich yourself and others.

This Student Charter serves as a standard with which your actions, and the University’s actions and policy framework, should be consistent. A meaningful, good faith commitment to the expectations of this Charter by all staff and students is fundamental to creating a great University experience for all.

What you can expect from the University

You can expect that the University will:

  • Provide a rewarding and transformational educational experience by:
    • Ensuring opportunities to develop the capabilities and skills reflecting your programme of study and the University’s graduate profiles
    • Providing curricula and teaching that are relevant, research-informed, accessible, and engaging
    • Promoting scholarly enquiry with integrity
    • Giving fair, timely and high-quality feedback that provides meaningful guidance to support your learning
    • Ensuring fair assessment that is learning-oriented, transparent, and set against clearly stated goals
  • Provide high-quality resources, services and support for your learning and research
  • Make every endeavour to provide clear, timely and accurate information to you about:
    • University policies and procedures;
    • Programmes of study, courses, and their assessment requirements;
    • Academic, welfare and student experience support services;
    • The importance of academic integrity;
    • Educational options that meet your needs; and
    • Career opportunities during and after study.  
  • Commit to a safe, inclusive and equitable environment that promotes zero tolerance for all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Provide opportunities for you to represent your views, and the views of other students, in a way that emphasises partnership in decision-making by:
    • Consulting with students before major decisions affecting students are made
    • Valuing and responding to student feedback
    • Supporting student representatives and associations to be effective in their roles
  • Acknowledge and act consistently with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
  • Recognise that it has a duty to support and provide, as best it can, for your health, safety and well-being
  • Use your information in a way that respects your privacy and prevents the misuse of your information
  • Enable you to make complaints, without being disadvantaged, by ensuring that you:
    • Are kept informed about the process, outcome, and reasons for any decision in a timely manner
    • Have the right to be heard
    • Are treated respectfully, fairly and impartially
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of and follow the University’s policies and procedures
  • Enable all within the University community to participate positively in the life and activities of the University

What the University can expect from you

The University can expect that you will: 

  • Be responsible for your learning and research by:
    • Being prepared and engaged in all areas of your learning
    • Familiarising yourself with the requirements of your academic programme
    • Monitoring your academic progress
    • Proactively seeking advice and support
    • Participating in academic and other activities with honesty and integrity
  • Act in a way that contributes to a safe, inclusive and equitable environment for all that promotes zero tolerance for all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Recognise that your rights to freedom of expression come with a shared responsibility to maintain an environment that respects and acknowledges the rights of others
  • Acknowledge and value that the University is a diverse and inclusive community
  • Acknowledge and do your part to act consistently with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
  • Make yourself aware of and follow the University’s policies and procedures
  • Participate positively in the life and activities of the University including by providing respectful and constructive feedback

This Student Charter was developed jointly between staff and students and is reviewed every three years. It is not intended to create any legal rights or obligations.

Document management and control

Owner: Vice-Chancellor
Content Manager: Registrar
Approved by: Council
Date approved: 10 June 2019
Review date: June 2025