How to apply for a job

Workshops to help you: Assessment centres | CVs and cover letters | Interviews | Psychometric tests | and more!

Assessment centres explained: An in-depth interactive session

Many employers of Business School graduates use assessment centres as part of their recruitment process.  An assessment centre (or assessment day) is a combination of tasks and activities that test your suitability for the job. 

At this workshop find out what tasks and activities you might encounter, the techniques used by employers to assess you and how to improve your performance.

Workshop in inter-semester break

  • Thursday 11 July, 11.30am-1pm, 260-040B, Register

CVs and cover letters explained with AI

Join us for an innovative workshop on Effective CVs and Cover Letters with AI.

This in-depth expanded session is designed to help you understand the core elements of a CV and cover letter, straight from the employers of Business School graduates.

We’ll delve into the essentials of what to include, guide you on how to strategically develop your CV and cover letter, and explore how AI can optimise your job application process.

Our aim? To ensure you effectively showcase your unique skills and experiences to potential employers.

Workshop in inter-semester break

  • Tuesday 9 July, 10.00am-11.30am, 260-051 OGGB5, Register

Interviews explained: An in-depth interactive session

Nervous about recruitment interviews? Join our interactive interview workshop!

This session covers the fundamentals of successful interviews, including tips from employers who hire Business School graduates. Whether you’re preparing for academic interviews, internships, or future job roles, we’ll help you build confidence and navigate specific questions.

This extended interactive workshop goes beyond the basics, providing ample practice. Don’t miss out!

Workshop in inter-semester break

  • Thursday 11 July, 10.00am-11.30am, 260-040B, Register

Psychometric tests decoded

Join us for this workshop to discover psychometric test secrets!

Business graduate employers emphasize the importance of preparation, and in this workshop you’ll explore common test types, learn effective preparation strategies, and enhance your performance.

Workshop in inter-semester break

  • Thursday 11 July, 2.30pm-3.30pm, 260-040B, Register

Graduate and internship programme application tips

Did you know that some organisations receive over three thousand applications? How are you going to stand out? Come to this session to get information about the steps in the process and how to stand out in your job applications and at interview.

Next workshop will be in Semester Two

Make the most of employer events

Learn how to stand out when networking with employers at recruitment events. Gain a good grasp of networking skills and techniques, learn how to market yourself effectively and understand the importance of preparation.

Next workshop will be in Semester Two

Recruitment skills intensives

Applying for internship and graduate roles? This is your opportunity to get application advice from recruiters before the semester starts. Representatives from major employers will facilitate sessions on topics such as: Your CV and cover letter, Interviews, Psychometric tests, Assessment centres and Interviews. Each day there will be different guest presenters. You are welcome to register for one day or both days.

Next workshops will be in Semester One, 2025