Collaborations and associations
The ABI strives to actively collaborate across the university as well as building close links with both domestic and international partners within medical technologies research.
Research collaborations
We enjoy strong research collaborations with international universities and research institutes. These include:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US), BioInstrumentation Laboratory
- University of Oxford (UK), The Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
- University of California, San Diego (US) Cardiac Mechanics Research Group
- Columbia University, Cardiac Biomechanics Group
- Medical College of Wisconsin (US), Computational Bioengineering Group
- University of Iowa (US), Division of Physiological Imaging
- Indiana University (US), Systems Biology Group
We have also had collaborations with the University of Leeds and Sheffield in the United Kingdom, the University of Washington, Seattle, Vanderbilt University and Harvard University in the US, plus the National University of Singapore (NUS).
Business collaborations
- UniServices
ABI works with Auckland UniServices Limited on intellectual property, licencing agreements and consultancy services, and with The ICEHOUSE for new business incubation activities.
We are associated with the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, a Centre for Research Excellence.
We are also collaborating with the Bioinformatics Institute, NZ BioMirror, the UK eScience project on integrative biology and the Wellcome Trust Heart Physiome Project. We are a member of NZBIO and a participant in the KAREN network.
- Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery
- Bioinformatics Institute
- NZ BioMirror
- The Integrative Biology Project
- Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network