Active armed offender 2024

In the unlikely event that you are caught up in such an event, it is important to be prepared to react quickly. You need to remember three words: Escape, Hide, Tell.


  • If you see a safe way out leave the area immediate leave the area immediately
  • Move quickly and quietly away from danger if it is safe to do so
  • Take your mobile phone with you if you can, but do not go back to get it if it puts you in danger
  • Leave other belongings behind
  • Encourage others to go with you. However, do not let their hesitation slow you down


  • If you cannot escape stay out of sight and silence your mobile phone
  • Secure your environment by locking doors and windows and if possible, barricade entries
  • Stay away from doors and windows
  • Remain quiet and still so you do not give away your hiding place
  • Look for any potential exit points


  • Call Police (111)
  • The more information you can give about your location, surroundings, the attackers and the events that have occurred, the better
  • Inform the call taker:
    • exact location of the incident
    • description of the offender/s and whether they are moving in any particular direction
    • details of any weapons being used
    • number of people in the area and any that have been injured
    • the intent of the offender/s (if known or apparent)

Always be aware of your surroundings. If you see a commotion, hear screams, gunfire or loud noises, try to identify where it is coming from. If you think it is dangerous, consider what you can do to keep yourself safe. For example, you may have to hide before you have the opportunity to escape. In some situations, you may still need to hide once you have escaped the immediate area.

If you come across any injured people while hiding, providing first aid may help save their lives. But only help if it does not put yourself and others in any danger.

Try to stop others from entering the area, but only if it doesn’t put you in any danger.

Do not move closer to see what is happening - this may put you in danger.

Consider looking for something you can use to defend yourself as a last resort if you are found by the attacker.

Escape, Hide and Tell

Helping the injured

If someone is injured, only start first aid if it is safe to do so. More information: First Aid.

If it is not safe, try to take note of where they are and report their location to the police once you have escaped to safety.

The first police officers to arrive will not stop to help the injured as their priority is to remove the threat. 

Rescue teams will treat and remove injured people only when the offender has been apprehended.

Document Control
Version: Draft
Last Updated: June 2024
Next Review: June 2027
Approver: Associate Director, Health Safety & Wellbeing