Alten Road Early Childhood Centre

Close up of a child's face

We recognise it is a big step putting your precious children into child care, and we strive to provide excellent care and education. Alten Road caters for children aged between 3 months and 5 years.

Alten Road Early Childhood Centre caters for the children of students and staff of the University, with occasional places available for children from the community. We see children as agentic, competent and confident learners. We acknowledge that every child will bring with them their own "mana", personal power or potential, as well as their own ways of knowing and doing and we embrace this as part of our learning community. Our children are a gift that each family share with us.

Our teaching team is committed to using Te Whāriki and our practice is strongly influenced by the Pikler philosophy of respectful care.

With exceptional teacher-child ratios, we offer small group sizes allowing for individualised care for each child. Our team of qualified and registered staff welcome you to come in and have a look around.

Licensed for children aged 3 months - 5 years.
Opening hours: 7.45am - 5.15pm, Monday to Friday.

For more information, contact:

Alten Road Early Childhood Centre
3 Alten Road
City Campus

Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext: 85121
Direct dial: +64 9 923 5121

A number of brightly coloured cards of greetings in different languages