Connect with Engineering students

We are proud of our strong association with industry professionals and the benefits this generates for our students, and the future engineering workforce.

Engineering students studying

We are keen to continue developing our valued links within the engineering industry and offer a range of services for you to promote your company within our faculty.

To discuss any of these or other opportunities, contact our Employer Liaison Manager, Courtney King.

Engagement opportunities

Career Expos 

Our Career Expos attract thousands of students each year - and they're your chance to scale up your student engagement, meeting prospective future employees from a diverse range fo disciplines and backgrounds. For more information, visit CDES Career Expos

Recruitment events

Recruitment Events provide an opportunity for your engineers and HR people to showcase your company activities to a targeted student audience. They are an opportunity to promote career opportunities and summer internships within your company. You have the choice of breakfast or evening presentations which are held in our state-of-the-art facilities. Dates are available year-round but are particularly effective in the first four weeks of each semester. 

Lunchtime 'Meet and Greet'

Generally a 2-3-hour slot. This is your chance to set up a stall in our foyer and talk to students on a drop-by basis to promote your brand and opportunities. 

Internships and work experience 

Internships and workplace experiences benefit both students and your organisation. Students also need to complete 800 hours of work throughout their degree programme. Work with us to create a programme that is right for you. 

Recruitment advertising 

It is vital for your company to advertise your vacancies to your target market. We can provide you with the opportunity to directly target our graduate engineers and summer students. You can also post to our online job board through our partner NZUni Talent:

Interview facilities 

We can provide meeting rooms for conducting employment interviews with our students to assist you with recruiting your summer interns and graduate staff. 

Build your brand and support students' work-readiness

Engineer Your Career Magazine 

An opportunity to raise awareness of your brand and highlight stories about our graduates and interns working in your organisation. Published twice a year in semesters 1 and 2. To view back issues, visit Engineer Your Career

Career workshops and employer-led skills sessions 

These are a great opportunity to help develop our students' skills and capabilities while promoting your brand. 

Student clubs 

You have the opportunity to connect with and sponsor a range of clubs. To find out more visit Clubs and Societies

Contact the team

We work closely with employers to facilitate meaningful interactions with our students to support your student recruitment strategies. Talk to our Employer Liaison Manager to find out more and discuss your requirements.

Courtney King

Phone: +64 9 923 7137 extension 87137 
Mobile: 027 571 2109