How to apply for a scholarship
Details about how to apply for a scholarship at the University of Auckland.
Selection criteria
You should carefully read the regulations of the scholarship you are applying for to check for your eligibility and what is required of you.
Application forms
You'll find a link to the online application form on the page of the scholarship you are applying for. You must always source the application form directly from the Scholarships website.
Make sure you complete and submit your online application forms to the Scholarships Office by the scholarship due date. Take a note of the time the application form closes as you will not be able to submit your application after that time.
Written statement
Most application forms require written statements. You should only include information relevant to the application. We recommend you read the application form first and then draft your statements in a separate document before adding them to the form.
For example, you may be asked to write a statement on:
- your proposed future study and career plans
- any relevant work experience
- your achievements and interests
- your financial circumstances
- how the scholarship or award could assist you
- your communication skills (verbal and written)
Academic record
If you have already completed some tertiary study at the University of Auckland, you don't need to provide an academic transcript with your application.
If you have academic records from any other university in New Zealand or overseas, then you must include transcripts showing all grades with your application.
Some scholarships and awards require a minimum rank score, grade point average (GPA) or grade point equivalent (GPE) for consideration for a scholarship. If you are currently attending secondary school or kura, your will be asked to give your permission for your current results to be requested from the qualifiying authority (NCEA or CIE). If you are studying IB, your school will be asked for your estimated results.
Once you have started at the University, your GPA/GPE will be calculated by the Scholarships Office to determine your eligibility. Depending on your level of study, there are different calculation methods, which are specified in the scholarship regulations:
- Scholarships GPA/GPE - this is calculated over your most recent two years of full-time study (or equivalent if part-time). If you have not yet completed two years of full-time study, this may be calculated over all your study to date
- Admissions GPA/GPE - this is the calculation that was made when your application for admission to the University of Auckland was assessed
- Qualifying programme GPA/GPE - this is for postgraduate students only, and is the calculation that was made when your application for admission to a postgraduate programme was assessed
- Other calculations - some scholarships and awards have subject or course specific calculations to assess academic results. These are specified in the individual scholarship or award regulations
References, Verifications and Endorsements
Some applications will require a referee, verifier or endorser to provide confirmation of information you have supplied in your application form. Read the instructions on the form to ensure you request the required information from the correct person.
Where a reference is required, your referee cannot be a member of your family. Your referee must be someone you have known in an academic, employment or professional capacity (e.g. a teacher, doctor, counsellor, church minister, school dean or careers adviser) who can comment on the relevant details, such as your financial circumstances.
We recommend you check with your referee, verifier or endorser to make sure the are comfortable with providing the required information, and that they have the necessary email and internet access to provide the requested information. Try to give them as much time as possible to support your application.
In some scholarship applications, particularly our school-leaver scholarships, you will not be able to edit certain parts of your application form once you have requested endorsement, so make sure you are happy with all your information before you make the request.
How scholarships are awarded
University of Auckland scholarship applications are submitted to a selection committee.
The selection committee normally consists of:
- A senior academic in the appropriate faculty, such as the Dean or a Head of School or Department.
- An academic staff member from the disciplinary area in which the scholarship is awarded.
- A representative of the donor.
The selection committee makes its recommendation to the University of Auckland Council, which awards the scholarship.
Once the University of Auckland Council has awarded the scholarship, the Scholarships Office will contact all applicants to notify them of the result. The recipients of the scholarship will be advised of any conditions of the awarding, and how payment of the scholarship will be made.