Funding your doctoral study at the Faculty of Engineering

Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland has many scholarships available for doctoral study, including centrally funded, faculty funded, research grant funded, and philanthropically funded scholarships.

University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Scholarship

The University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Scholarship is awarded for up to 36 months of doctoral study and comprises an annual stipend of $33,000 in 2023 (with annual CPI adjustment) plus compulsory tuition fees, including the single student Health Insurance compulsory charge for international students.

All applicants who are to be offered a place in a doctoral programme will be eligible for scholarship consideration prior to receiving their offer of place.

Māori and Pacific students with a GPA of 7.0 or above who are offered a place in a doctoral programme will be guaranteed a scholarship.

Each faculty has an allocation of scholarships to be awarded to doctoral candidates based on the faculty’s strategic objectives.

Application consideration:

Recommendations for the The University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Scholarship will be made taking into consideration the following broad categories set out by Taumata Teitei:

  • Nurture, recruit, and retain outstanding research talent (candidates and supervisors)
  • Support excellent research and the creation of high-quality research outputs
  • Grow Māori and Pacific research scholarship (candidates, topics, supervisors)
  • Develop / strengthen relationships with Māori and Pacific communities
  • Support Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) in research (candidates, topics and supervisors)
  • Strengthen, grow, and diversify the pipeline of research and external research income
  • Develop / strengthen transdisciplinary research collaborations
  • Boost knowledge mobilisation, research translation, and research impact

Consistent with the above, the Faculty of Engineering Selection Committee will also assess all applications received against the following criteria:

Alignment with department/faculty priorities, including:

  • Equity with respect to candidate and supervisory team
  • Support for target staff (early career, new staff)
  • Co-funding arrangements
  • Transdisciplinarity
  • Support international diversity in the student body
  • Research Centres and other departmental and faculty priorities

Academic merit:

  • The candidate (GPA, prior publication record, etc)
  • The project (viability given resources, likely significance/impact/potential to contribute to knowledge in discipline, alignment with expertise, etc)

Guaranteed scholarships will be recommended to domestic applicants who have achieved a Scholarship GPA (sGPA) of 8.5 or above in their qualifying programme and meet all of the entry requirements for admission into the PhD programme. Valid until end of 2024, please note this is subject to change.

How to apply:

Applicants must complete an application for admission to the doctoral programme using the Faculty of Engineering template (Statement of Research Intent). Indicate in the application that you wish to be considered for the University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Scholarship.

As part of the application process, the applicant’s proposed supervisor will need to upload a Statement of Supervisor Support so engagement with the proposed supervisor before finalising the application is strongly advised. Applicants may approach the relevant Department Doctoral Adviser about suitable supervisors if needed.

For Statement of Research Intent fill out this form

For Statement of Supervisor Support fill out this form


Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However, the University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering Doctoral Scholarship regulations take precedence over all other material. 

You are strongly advised to read the scholarship regulations for complete information, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for scholarship consideration, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and selection criteria.

Other scholarships

You can find other Faculty of Engineering postgraduate scholarships here

Department Graduate Advisors (DGA)

Doctoral advisers by department at the Engineering Faculty.

Each department in the Faculty of Engineering has a doctoral adviser whom you can contact for advice on finding a supervisor or applying to the doctoral programme in their subject area:

• Chemical and Materials Engineering: Dr Wei Yu

• Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Dr Nitish Patel

• Civil Engineering: Associate Professor Theuns Henning & Dr Sandeeka Mannakkara

• Engineering Science: Dr Andreas Kempa-Liehr & Professor Justin Fernandez

• Mechanical Engineering: Associate Professor Lihua Tang