General Library

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services

Tiki graphic with 'ake ake ake, a forever language, kia kaha te reo Māori'

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A stencil of a white clock on a turquoise background.

Opening hours and locations of our libraries and information commons.

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The letter 'i' in a circle to signify information.

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Ducks on the shore of a lake

Explore our vast variety of scholarly and cultural collections, information and resources.

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male student reading on General Library Level 1

Find out about the process for setting up your library account and borrowing and requesting items.

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Black and white photo of man looking through telescope

Read about what's going on at the library, including our latest news, notices and major events.

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Manuhiri Huatahi

Te Tumu Herenga Kaiārahi, Manuhiri Huatahi, talks about her journey with learning te reo Māori.

Pānui tonu | Read more
words in blue box saying don't think outside the box. Words outside box saying think like there is no box.

Learn how to analyse information, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems.

He mōhiohio anō | More info