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Assessment of student learning, Te Reo and special conditions in tests and examinations.
Assessment of Courses Policy
To set out the principles that underpin assessment, including assessment design, roles and responsibilities, language, feedback to students, marking, academic misconduct, quality assurance, and grievances and appeals.
Assessment of Courses Procedures
To provide information for staff and students about processes of assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses. These procedures should be read with the Assessment of Courses Policy.
Grade Descriptors Policy
To describe the grades recorded to measure the assessment of students’ performance in taught courses and sub-doctoral research.
Special Conditions for Tests and Examinations Policy
To outline the framework established by the University for the approval of special conditions in tests and examinations for students with impairments.
Special Conditions in Test and Examinations Procedures
To outline the framework established by the University for the approval and organisation of special conditions in tests and examinations for students with disabilities.
Assessing Coursework and Examinations Submitted in Te Reo Māori Procedures
The commitment of the University to recognising and promoting Te Reo Māori as an official language of New Zealand, and its use in the teaching, learning and assessment activities of the University.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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