Unfurling fern frond with open green fern leaves in the background

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services

A graphic of a film projector

Check out the Academic Skills video series.

Hōparatia | Explore
A stencil of a white clock on a turquoise background.

Opening hours and locations of our libraries and information commons.

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Have a question, or need help with some of our services? Ask us.

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artwork of a parrot eating pomegranates

Explore our vast variety of scholarly and cultural collections, information and resources.

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female student using laptop in library

Find out about the process for setting up your library account and borrowing and requesting items.

Kimihia | Find out
Black and white photo of man looking through telescope

Read about what's going on at the library, including our latest news, notices and major events.

Hōparatia | Explore
Two female careers adviser wearing blue t shirts smiling to camera, orange and grey carpet and grey sofas in the background

The Career Development and Employability Services team is here to help you connect your studies with your future career.

Pānui tonu | Read more
Students and teacher at laptop

Mastering English for academic writing can be challenging to navigate. Give yourself the best tools to succeed with our Writing in English workshops.

He mōhiohio anō | Find out more