Lots of information about tuition and accommodation fees along with details on how to pay them, as well as a list of tuition fees by faculty.
Kimihia | Find out

Find out about budgeting and the support available to help students with money management.
Kimihia | Find out

The New Zealand government has introduced new policies to make tertiary study more affordable. Find out how this might affect you.
Kimihia te roanga atu | Find out more
Find out if you're eligible, as well as when and how to apply for your student loan.
Kimihia me pēhea | Find out how
If you're making payments to the University by credit card, this will incur an additional convenience fee from January 2020.
Kimihia te roanga atu | Find out more
If you're a current student and you're struggling financially, you may be able to get special funding.
He whakamārama atu anō | Learn more