Research support

Woman working at a laptop and writing in a notebook

Resources to support postgraduate and doctoral studies and research.

Hōparatia | Explore
newspapers coming off a printing press

Resources to support you through all stages of the academic publishing cycle.

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tiled images of people from around the world overlaid with a variety of open locks

Find out about Open Access agreements between the University and scholarly publishers.

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Silhouette of person staring up at night sky

Access, edit and get support for your Te Waka Huia Rangahau | Research Outputs and Discovery Profile.

He mōhiohio anō | More info
person logging in to system on tablet

Discover where and how to deposit your Masters or PhD thesis, including copyright information.

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Neon question mark

Use this form to book a consultation with a Research Services Adviser.

He mōhiohio anō | More info
zen garden with white sand and pebbles

Support for staff and postgraduate students undertaking a systematic review.

Pānui tonu | Read more