Study support

Girl using laptopn with Learning Essentials homepage on screen

Develop your Research and Study Skills.

Hōparatia | Explore
Group of students with laptops in a workshop

A range of workshops to support your learning and research.

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Girl sitting on steps highlighting things in a textbook

Every faculty is different. Find out about learning in your discipline.

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Cartoon reel to reel camera projecting a video

A collection of mini videos covering a diverse range of academic skills.

Hōparatia | Explore
Girl working at laptop and taking notes in a notepad

Resources to support postgraduate and doctoral studies and research.

Hōparatia | Explore
woman helping a male student with his English

A service for helping University of Auckland students and staff develop their English language and academic writing skills.

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The outside of the Te Fale Pouāwhina office

Te Fale Pouāwhina is dedicated to advancing the scholarship and aspirations of our tauira Māori and Pacific.

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Group of students sitting on steps chatting

A free leadership and development programme for Māori and Pacific students across all levels of studies.

He mōhiohio anō | More info
Cartoon brain covered in coloured paint splatters

Inclusive Learning supports and enhances the academic success of neurodivergent students.

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