Te Fale Pouāwhina
Ā mātou kaupapa whakaaro | Our vision
Te Fale Pouāwhina is dedicated to advancing the scholarship and aspirations of our tauira Māori and Pacific. We are passionate about delivering an academic learning service that is founded on Māori and Pacific ways of being.
Through mahi tahi with the Waipapa Taumata Rau Māori and Pacific hapori, our kaupapa is to tautoko tauira to be successful in their academic haerenga.
Te mahi ā mātou | What we are about
Te Fale Pouāwhina are a whānau of experienced Māori and Pacific Academic Learning Advisers.
We can assist you to enhance your academic capabilities. Our service offers akoako, awheawhe, mara ki ma’ala, pō ako, pou ako, talanoa, and wānanga.
'Ka taea te takahi wai e koe ki runga i te mōhio o ngā toka'
You can walk on water when you know where the rocks are!
We know where the rocks are!
He aha ā mātou mahi | Learn what we do
- Kōrero/talanoa with one of our Pouāwhina kanohi ki te kanohi | face-to-face or online.
- Contact one of our Pouāwhina to schedule an appointment - email or stop by our office.
- Use our drop-in service, no appointment needed - see below for our times.
Whakapā mai | Get in touch with us
Matt Tarawa
He uri o Tauranga Moana
Monday 2-3pm
Mona O'Shea
Koe tokotaha Tonga
Thursday 10-11am, 3-4pm
Leonnie Toki (Law/Arts)
Tonga, Niue
Tuesday 2-3pm
Tūwāhi | Location
Room 315-131
Kate Edger Information Commons
9 Symonds Street
City Campus
Whāiā mātou | Follow us