Library membership for staff and students
University of Auckland staff and students have Library membership. The public may visit the library or pay for Associate membership to get greater access to library resources and services.

Who is eligible
The following groups may access the resources and services of the University Library, as detailed in Library Membership and Conditions of Access.
- Current University of Auckland staff and students (including New Start and Foundation Studies students) automatically have library membership.
- Intending research masters and doctoral candidates.
- Associate members (membership fees apply).
- Associated groups (see below).
Activating membership for groups with staff borrowing privileges
New staff
You will receive your Campus Card and username and password as part of your appointment process.
- Read about the Campus Card
The following groups activate their staff membership differently:
Honorary academic staff
- Initiated by your department with Human Resources.
Staff with a University research grant or scholarship
- Initiated by your department with Human Resources.
Retired University of Auckland staff members
- Staff who retire from the University of Auckland are entitled to retain access to some Library services for life.
- Access to databases, e-journals and e-books is very limited, as licensing agreements usually only allow access to current students and staff.
- To activate access to electronic resources, Ask us
UniServices staff
- Initiated by UniServices Human Resources.
Academics visiting from another University
- Liaise with your relevant head of department or their delegate to get access to Library resources.
- If you are visiting the University in any other capacity, such as an Honorary or any other type of staff appointment, the head of department should make an application to Human Resources.
Members of the Council of the University of Auckland, the Vice Chancellor’s Community Advisory Group, lay members of the Council Ethics Committees, and the Sargeson Literary Fellow
- Complete the Library Associate membership application form.
Contract staff
- Liaise with your department hiring manager.
Activating membership for groups with student borrowing privileges
You will receive your Campus Card and username and password as part of the enrolment process.
- Read about the Campus Card.
- Find out about connectivity, technology and software in the Student IT Hub.
The following groups activate their student membership differently:
Intending research masters and doctoral candidates
- After you apply for admission, complete the Application for Temporary Library Membership form.
- Membership is usually granted for a period not exceeding six months. It may be extended in exceptional circumstances.
PhD students no longer enrolled who are completing oral exams
- Library access continues for six months after your last class end date. To extend access beyond this, contact the School of Graduate Studies.
Students visiting from another University with whom the University of Auckland has an exchange agreement
- If you have not automatically received library access as part of enrolment, you should arrange this via your head of department.
- If this is not an option, you will need to become a Library Associate member (membership conditions apply).
Students with a University research grant or scholarship
- Initiated by your department with Human Resources.