Library access for the public and alumni

Some Library resources and services are available to the public. The University allows you to visit the Library on a discretionary basis but may limit your access to Library resources and services. Becoming an Associate member of the Library allows greater access to our resources and services.

People entering the library

The public will normally have access to the following Library resources and services, providing their use does not prevent University of Auckland students or staff from accessing the same resources and services:

  • Catalogue
  • Library web pages (excluding licensed electronic resources)
  • Library collections - you may get items from our collections by requesting an Interlibrary Loan from your public library
  • In-library use of print resources
  • Materials held in He Māra Mahara | Cultural Collections may be available on request
  • Materials held in the On-Demand Collection may be viewed in the Library upon providing some form of personal identification. Requests for On-Demand Collection material can be made online via Ask us or in person at the General Library Helpdesk. It may take 2-3 working days for items to be retrieved

Associate membership

Who may be granted Associate membership?

The University Librarian may grant Associate membership to you if:

  • Your information needs can most appropriately be met from the resources of the University Library.
  • You are a graduate of any university.
  • You are not enrolled in a formal course of study at another tertiary educational institution.
  • You are not an employee at another tertiary educational institution.

This membership will normally be available for a fee, with a 30% discount for University of Auckland alumni.

Exceptional circumstances

Only in exceptional circumstances will the University Librarian grant Associate membership to a person who is enrolled in a formal course of study or who is a staff member at another tertiary educational institution.

How to apply or renew your membership

  1. Choose your preferred category of Associate membership.
  2. Submit your application form.
  3. Once your application has been approved, pay the membership fee. The University Librarian may waive fees in exceptional circumstances, although a $30 (GST inclusive) non-refundable administration fee will usually be charged.
  4. After processing your application, we will let you know how to obtain your Campus Card and/or username and password for electronic access.

Categories of membership and fees

Associate membership – Borrowing and electronic access

Access to databases, e-journals and e-books is very limited as licensing agreements usually only allow access to current students and staff. This category provides access to the following Library resources and services:

  • Borrowing privileges
  • Print, audiovisual and microtext collections
  • Certain library databases
  • Click and collect requests


  • $550 for a twelve-month membership
    $385 with 30% alumni discount
  • $275.50 for a six-month membership
    $192.50 with 30% alumni discount

Associate membership – Borrowing only

This category provides borrowing privileges but no access to electronic resources. Access is available to:

  • Borrowing privileges
  • Print, audiovisual and microtext collections
  • Click and collect requests


  • $315 for a twelve-month membership
    $220.50 with 30% alumni discount
  • $157.50 for a six-month membership
    $110.25 with 30% alumni discount

Associate membership – Electronic access only

Access to databases, e-journals and e-books is very limited as licensing agreements usually only allow access to current students and staff.  It does not allow borrowing from the library. Access is available to:


  • $315 for a twelve-month membership
    $220.50 with 30% alumni discount
  • $157.50 for a six-month membership
    $110.25 with 30% alumni discount

All fees are GST inclusive.

Associate membership for members of organisations or groups with contractual relationships with the University

Membership of the Library may be granted to members of an organisation or group with which the University has an agreed contractual or other formal relationship. Identified members of the organisation or group in this category may be given access to specified library services. Conditions of access for this type of Associate membership are negotiated at an institutional or group level to cater for differing information needs.

Access to online resources

Access to electronic resources is only provided on condition that it is used for private study and research. Under the terms of the Library's licence agreements with publishers, access to many electronic resources is restricted to University of Auckland Library members. Publications may be searched and single copies of non-substantial parts of a publication copied only for the purposes of university teaching, research, and study. Sequentially or bulk downloading articles or data from a database or single publication is not permitted.

Content may not be copied in any format for sale or any other commercial purpose, nor may it be copied or reproduced for the benefit of any third-party external to the University of Auckland. Recompiling or publishing any data in any form may be done only with the specific written permission of the dataset owner.

There may be penalties for infringing these terms (see Library Statute clauses 4, 53, and 56).