A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
Search nowPolicies relating to key areas of sensitive expenditure.
Sensitive Expenditure Policy
The University's position and procedures relating to sensitive expenditure.
Internal Gifts and Hospitality Policy
This policy governs the giving of gifts and hospitality within the University.
Gifts and Hospitality from Third Parties Policy
This policy provides direction for the acceptance of gifts in relation to a member’s affiliation with the University. It aims to assist members to avoid any perception of impairment of their objectivity or impartiality.
Gifts, Donations and Hospitality to Third Parties Policy
This policy provides guidance to members of the University when giving gifts and hospitality to third parties. It aims to assist members in avoiding any perception of impairment of their objectivity or impartiality.
Koha Policy
To clarify the circumstances in which the giving of koha is appropriate at the University.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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