Seismic Strengthening Policy


This Policy applies to all existing and future buildings either owned or leased by the University.

Excluded from this policy are all buildings exempted from seismic assessment as outlined in MBIE’s Earthquake Prone Building (EPB) methodology - The methodology to identify earthquake-prone buildings.


This document, and other named documents, establishes the seismic strengthening policy for buildings used by the University.


The seismic building rating system, generally known as %NBS, became prominent for defining the assessment of buildings for seismic risk across New Zealand following the Canterbury earthquakes. It is a key part of the Building (Earthquake – prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016 which has the purpose of identifying the most seismically vulnerable buildings throughout New Zealand.

The University, which operates across a large building portfolio with varying ownership, age and structure aims to ensure that all the buildings are of an appropriate seismic strength. The University commenced its seismic strength review in 2007 and intensified this activity in 2011 in-line with Auckland Council’s Earthquake Prone Buildings – Guidance and Approaches. Updates on the seismic review are reported to the University’s Audit & Risk Management Committee on an annual basis.

This policy sets out requirements on the appropriate seismic strength and response strategy.


All buildings owned or leased are to be of appropriate seismic strength to be safe for occupation. This may apply to a building as a whole, parts of a building or to vulnerable elements, e.g. chimneys and parapets.

1. New buildings
All newly constructed buildings must fully comply with prevailing building standards.

2. Future acquisition or future lease of an existing building
Any existing buildings acquired or leased in the future must be at least 67%NBS, or have the potential to be upgraded to at least 67%NBS before occupation. Exclusion to this condition must be approved by the Chief Property Officer and would only be considered where a property is acquired with the intention to redevelop the site or a risk assessment indicates the property can be properly occupied within the University’s risk appetite.

3. Existing buildings
All existing buildings owned or leased by the University which are defined as Earthquake Prone Buildings should be brought to at least 34%NBS for non-residential building and at least 67%NBS for residential buildings, where possible, taking into account existing structure, current and future functionality, heritage requirements, aesthetic and cost constraints.

Earthquake prone buildings

a. Any building assessed as <34%NBS:

  • Ideally, the building is to be strengthened to ≥34%NBS for non-residential building and ≥67%NBS for residential buildings, where possible, taking into account existing structure, current and future functionality, heritage requirements, aesthetic and cost constraints.
  • Residential buildings are to be vacated until the building is strengthened.
  • Non-residential buildings may remain occupied if not less than 15%NBS while a strengthening or removal strategy is developed.
  • Leased buildings with <34%NBS shall be strategically exited unless agreement is reached with the landlord for appropriate strengthening within a satisfactory time frame.

Any building assessed as <15%NBS:

  • The building is to be vacated and removed or strengthened to ≥34%NBS.

b. Non-earthquake prone buildings
Any building assessed as ≥34%NBS and <67%NBS:

  • Seismic upgrade to a building will be considered during building refurbishment projects within the Estate-wide capital program.
    The upgrade is to target ≥67%NBS for residential buildings, where possible, taking into account existing structure, current and future functionality, heritage requirements, aesthetic and cost constraints.

Any building assessed as ≥67%NBS:

  • No further investigation required, unless indicated otherwise in the initial Seismic Assessment report.


The following definitions apply to this document:

Seismic Assessment

Is a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the strength and deformation capability of a building based upon the prevailing assessment guidelines.

Earthquake Prone Buildings

Are any building assessed in a Seismic Assessment at less than 34% of New Building Standard, as defined in the Building Act 2004.

X%NBS (New Building Standard)

Is the rating calculated as part of a Seismic Assessment of a building that indicates its seismic rating (X) as a percentage of the prevailing New Building Standard (100%) This is a proxy indication of a buildings ability to withstand an earthquake.


Means Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland, and all its subsidiaries.

Key relevant documents

Document management and control

Owned by:Director of Property Services
Content manager: Associate Director Facilities and Asset Manager
Approved by: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Operations and Registrar
Date approved: 12 June 2024
Review date: 12 June 2029