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Conduct, intellectual property, authorship, open access, openness in research and third party guidelines
Research Integrity Policy
Articulates the responsibilities within the University community for conducting research in accordance with the highest standards of research integrity.
Authorship and Publication Guidelines
To support the interpretation and application of the Research Integrity Policy Good Research Practice responsibilities (GRPs) in the authorship of research manuscripts and publication of research findings.
Postgraduate Examiner Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Guidelines on avoiding conflict of interest for parties involved in the examination of doctoral theses and masters research theses/portfolios (≥90 points).
Intellectual Property Created by Staff and Students Policy
To establish a framework for managing the intellectual property created by staff and students within the University.
Open Access Policy
To provide direction with regard to publication of research outputs using Open Access channels.
Third Party Copyright Guidelines
Guidelines regarding third party copyright.
Third Party Editing and Proofreading of Theses and Dissertations Guidelines
What is acceptable when you have your theses or dissertations scrutinised by third parties, including professional editors.
Research Reporting Policy
Requirements for research reporting, acknowledging sponsors, confidential research and research accountability.
Openness in Animal Research and Teaching Policy
To outline the approach to openness in animal research and teaching regarding animals covered under Animal Welfare Act 1999.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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