Doctoral Examination Extraordinary Circumstances and Posthumous Award Procedures
This document relates to the award of a doctorate in the event of extraordinary circumstances or the death of a doctoral candidate prior to the completion of their degree. It does not apply to higher doctorates.
Enquiries about these procedures must initially be directed to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research. It is important that a discussion with the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research takes place before any discussions about the award of a doctorate are held with family, friends or colleagues of the (former) doctoral candidate.
To outline the circumstances in which the award of a posthumous or extraordinary circumstances doctorate at the University will be considered and the procedures which must be followed.
The award of a doctorate to a candidate who has extraordinary circumstances such as a terminal illness, may be considered in the following circumstances:
- If the oral examination has been held, but the final thesis has not been submitted
- If the thesis has been submitted for examination but the examiners’ reports have not yet been received and/or the oral examination has not yet been held
- If a draft of the complete thesis, which may require routine editing, is available
- If the above criteria are not met but the Vice-Chancellor, on the advice of the Provost and Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research, considers that extraordinary circumstances warrant consideration of the award of the degree
The posthumous award of a doctorate to a candidate who has died when close to completion of their degree may be considered in the following circumstances:
- If the oral examination has been held, but the final thesis has not been submitted
- If the thesis has been submitted for examination but the examiners’ reports have not yet been received and/or the oral examination has not yet been held
- If a draft of the complete thesis, which may require routine editing, is available
- If the above criteria are not met but the Vice-Chancellor, on the advice of the Provost and Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research, considers that extraordinary circumstances warrant consideration of the award of the degree
- Where the oral examination has been held, but the final thesis has not been submitted
- Where the thesis has been submitted for examination, but the examiners’ reports have not yet been received and/or the oral examination has not yet been held
- Where a complete draft of the thesis is available
- Where a complete draft of the thesis is not available
- Third party editing of the thesis
- Deposit of thesis in the University Library
- Extraordinary circumstances
Where the oral examination has been held, but the final thesis has not been submitted
1. The Examination Committee must make a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research as to whether:
- the thesis may be accepted in its current form
- a third party should be requested to edit the thesis according to guidelines recommended by the Examination Committee
- the award of another degree should be considered
- the thesis is not suitable for the award of a degree
2. The examination of the thesis is to proceed according to the process outlined in the regulations for the degree, with the exclusion of the oral examination. Where the thesis has not yet been dispatched for examination, the examination is to proceed as at 2, save that the provisions for substantive revision of the thesis are also to be excluded from the examination process.
3. Where the recommendations available to examiners differ from the examination process as detailed in the PhD Statute, examiners may be advised that an exceptional examination process applies
4. The Examination Committee must make a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research based on the examiners’ reports and the supervisor’s comment (if provided) as to whether:
- the thesis may be accepted in its current form
- a third party should be requested to edit the thesis according to guidelines recommended by the Examination Committee
- a further examiner should be appointed
- the award of another degree should be considered
- the thesis is not suitable for the award of a degree
Where a complete draft of the thesis is available
5. An associate dean/ director (Postgraduate) must establish a committee comprising the academic head, the candidate’s main or joint supervisor and a senior member of the faculty who has not been involved in supervision of the student.
6. The committee is to be chaired by the associate dean/ director.
7. The committee must recommend one of the following to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research:
- that the thesis be examined in its existing form
- that a third party be requested to edit the thesis, according to guidelines recommended by the committee, before the thesis is examined that the thesis is not sufficiently advanced to be submitted for examination.
8. The committee must take into account the supervisor’s comments on the complete draft, noting in particular whether the supervisor suggested that additional experimental work or research was required.
9. If a recommendation that the thesis be examined is accepted, the committee must arrange for a suitable version of the thesis to be submitted for examination.
10. The examination of the thesis is to proceed according to the process outlined in the regulations for the degree, with the exclusion of the oral examination and provisions for substantive revision of the thesis.
11. Examiners may be advised that an exceptional examination process applies.
12. On the basis of the examiners’ reports and the supervisor’s comment (if provided), the Examination Committee must make a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research as to whether:
- the thesis may be accepted in its current form
- a third party should be requested to edit the thesis according to guidelines recommended by the Examination Committee
- a further examiner should be appointed
- the award of another degree should be considered
- the thesis is not suitable for the award of a degree
Where a complete draft of the thesis is not available the following criteria must be satisfied:
13. An associate dean/ director (Postgraduate Research) must establish a committee comprising the academic head, the candidate’s main or joint supervisors and a senior member of the faculty who has not been involved in supervision of the student
14. The committee is to be chaired by the associate dean/director (Postgraduate Research).
15. The committee will consider the work done under supervision for the degree, the supervisor’s commentary on the work and any independent evidence of the significance of the research (such as reviews of submitted papers)
16. The committee will make a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research regarding whether the work should be submitted for examination and, if so, what work, if any, is required to be done before the thesis is submitted. If further work is required, the committee will recommend who will undertake that work
17. If a recommendation that the thesis be examined is accepted, the committee must arrange for a suitable version of the thesis to be submitted for examination
18. The examination of the thesis is to proceed according to the process outlined in the regulations for the degree, with the exclusion of the oral examination and provisions for substantive revision of the thesis.
19. Examiners will be advised of the circumstance of the examination and will be told what work was done, if any, by a third party prior to submission of the thesis for examination
20. The assembled material is to be provided to the examiners and they will be asked to advise whether they consider that a sufficient amount of work has been completed of a standard equivalent to the requirements of a doctorate or for the award of another degree
21. The examiners’ reports are to be considered by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research who will then make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor as to whether or not the degree is to be awarded
Third party editing of the thesis
22. If third party editing is recommended, it must conform to the Third Party Editing and Proofreading of Theses and Dissertations Guidelines (save where a specific variation is approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research).
23. Where the award of the degree is approved subject to editing of the thesis by a third party, the academic head must make arrangements for, and ensure satisfactory completion of, such editing.
Deposit of thesis in the University Library
24. The Examination Committee will make a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research as to whether the thesis should be deposited in the University Library.
25. Where a thesis has been edited and/or assembled by a third party, this must be noted in the electronic copy of the thesis provided to the University Library.
26. Where the award of the degree is approved and it is agreed that the thesis will be deposited in the Library, the academic head will arrange for the electronic thesis to be deposited in the library according to the requirements outlined in the PhD Statute. In such cases, the degree will not be awarded until the final copy of the thesis has been deposited.
Extraordinary circumstances
27. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research and Provost are to consider:
- the evidence for the extraordinary circumstances claim, including medical certificates, if the basis of the request is (terminal) illness
- the evidence available of the research work completed by the candidate
- any independent evidence of the significance of the research (reviews of submitted papers, statements from end-users etc)
Note: Normally such evidence will be submitted by the candidate’s supervisor, who will also provide a report on the candidate’s work
28. The following criteria must be satisfied:
- the candidate must have been registered for a minimum of 30 months full-time or equivalent
- enough of the thesis must have been completed to allow a proper assessment of the scope of the work
- the completed work must evidence the standard required for a doctorate and the candidate’s mastery of the subject
- the material available (draft chapters, published work, work prepared for publication, presentations to conferences/seminars, progress reports etc) must demonstrate the candidate’s ability to complete a thesis to the required standard
29. The examiners are to be advised of the circumstances of the examination
30. The assembled material is to be provided to the examiners and they will be asked to advise whether they consider that a sufficient amount of work has been completed of a standard equivalent to the requirements of a doctorate or for the award of another degree
31. The examiners’ reports are to be considered by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research who will then make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor as to whether or not the posthumous degree is to be awarded
32. If the award of a degree is approved, the material submitted for examination is to be lodged with the School of Graduate Studies
Note: The material submitted for examination will not be deposited in the University Library, whether or not award of a degree is approved.
The following definitions apply to this document:
Academic head is the head of the academic unit in which the candidate was registered.
Doctoral candidates are students enrolled in a doctoral degree at the University.
Higher doctorates include the Doctor of Engineering (DEng), Doctor of Laws (LLD), Doctor of Literature (LittD) and Doctor of Science (DSc).
University means Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland and includes all subsidiaries.
Key relevant documents
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Document management and control
Content manager: School of Graduate Studies
Owner: Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research
Approved by: Board of Graduate Studies, Senate and Council
Date approved: 19 September 2022
Review date: 19 September 2027