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Procedures and guidelines related to various areas of undertaking research.
Doctoral Thesis Policy and Procedures
Policy and procedures that apply to doctoral theses undertaken within the PhD, MD, EdD and DClinPsy programmes at the University of Auckland.
PReSS Account Policy and Procedures
This document outlines the PReSS account rules and procedures.
Doctoral - Change of Thesis Title Procedures
Procedures that apply where a doctoral candidate wishes to change the title of their thesis.
Doctoral Off-Campus Research Policy and Procedures
Policy and procedures that must be satisfied in order for off-campus research to be approved during doctoral candidature.
Doctoral Candidates - Including Publications in a Thesis Policy and Procedures (2011/2016 PhD Statutes/General Regulations only)
Supplementary information for doctoral candidates who wish to include publication/s as part of their theses.
Doctoral Candidates - Including Publications in a Thesis Guidelines (2011/2016 PhD Statutes/General Regulations only)
Policy and procedures that apply to doctoral theses undertaken within the PhD, MD, EdD and DClinPsy programmes at the University of Auckland.
PhDs with Creative Practice Procedures (2011/2016 PhD Statutes only)
Requirements of theses with creative practice components.
Doctoral Candidates - Resources Policy
Resources and facilities available to doctoral candidates.
Guide to Theses and Dissertations - 2016
A general guide to the presentation and submission of theses and dissertations.
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