A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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Delegations, directory, publications and advertising, fees, naming, code of conduct and risk management.
Delegations Policy
This policy delineates the delegations of important responsibilities to senior staff.
Fees statute
To regulate and provide a framework for the setting and payment of fees at the University.
Digital Badge Policy
To provide a framework for the development, approval, design and issuing of digital badges.
Naming Policy
Provides a framework and guidance for the recognition of persons or bodies by naming.
Post Implementation Review Policy
The requirements for Post Implementation Reviews for approved Capital Projects.
Risk Management Policy
To ensure that risk management is embedded in all University activities and members of the University understand their associated responsibilities.
Te Reo Māori Policy and Principles
To support the revitalisation of the Māori language by providing a framework for the use of Te Reo Māori within the entirety of the University.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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