Discipline Committee

Terms of reference

Power to act with respect to the relevant provisions of the Disciplinary Statute, Library Statute, The Information and Communications Statute, The Examination Regulations, The Enrolment and Programme Regulations.


  1. Conflicts of Interest
    Committee members must declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest in line with the requirements of the University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy.
  2. Confidentiality
    Committee members have a responsibility to treat all information with appropriate confidentiality. This includes matters tabled or discussed at the Committee meetings, as well as any additional issues that are raised outside meetings.

Membership and Composition

The Discipline Committee to hear any charge or charges against a student is a body of five members composed of:

  • Three academic staff members of the Discipline Committee panel, including at least one member of Senate; and
  • Two student members of the Discipline Committee panel.

The Discipline Committee panel is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and shall comprise:

  • Not less than two persons who shall be student members of the Senate; and
  • Not less than four members of the academic staff who are members of the Senate; and
  • Not less than one person who is a sub-professorial member of the academic staff, but who need not necessarily be a member of Senate

Discipline Committee reports to Council through

Committee members and term of office

Chair Holds office until
Associate Professor Christina Stringer 28 February 27
Deputy Chairs Holds office until
Professor Andrew Jull
28 February 2025
Professor Dean Sutcliffe 28 February 2025
Not less than four academic staff members who are members of Senate
Holds office until
Professor Andrew Jull 28 February 2025
Professor Leo Cheng 28 February 2025
Professor Paul Rouse   28 February 2025
Professor Nicola Gavey 28 February 2025
Professor Paul Devonshire 28 February 2025
Professor Dean Sutcliffe 28 February 2025
Professor Udaya Madawala 28 February 2025
Professor Deirdre Le Fevre 28 February 2025
Not less than one person who is a sub-professorial member of the academic staff, but who need not necessarily be a member of Senate
Holds office until
Associate Professor Nicholas Gant
28 February 2025
Associate Professor Christina Stringer 28 February 2025
Associate Professor Paul Augustinus 28 February 2025
Associate Professor Caroline Yoon 28 February 2025
Associate Professor Miriam Scadeng 28 February 2025
Associate Professor Michelle  Wise 28 February 2025
Associate Professor Sarah Hetrick   28 February 2025
Not less than two student members
Holds office until
Alan Shaker
30 November 2024
Layba Zubair
30 November 2024
Sarah White 30 November 2024
Ben Bonné 30 November 2024
Jimah Ruland-Umata 30 November 2024
Yueyang Chen 30 November 2024

Information sheets

Schedule of meetings

Discipline Committee Meetings are convened when necessary.

Committee secretary

Mr L Watt
Email: landon.watt@auckland.ac.nz.