Terms of reference
- To recommend on policies and activities that align with the University’s strategic objectives for teaching and learning
- To monitor the quality of teaching and learning
- To support delivery of learning and teaching strategic objectives in relation to the University’s obligations to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- To advise and recommend on policies and procedures for the evaluation of teaching and learning
- To identify priorities in the scholarship of learning and teaching, academic staff development, learning design, and student learning support activities
- To monitor and recommend on academic integrity and academic misconduct policy matters and reporting
- To advise, recommend on and administer annual University of Auckland Learning Enhancement Grants, Teaching Excellence Awards and University of Auckland nominations for national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards
- To advise Connect and provide pedagogical expertise on issues related to learning and teaching digital infrastructure.
- To advise Property Services and provide pedagogical expertise on issues related to learning and teaching physical infrastructure.
- To serve as a reference group for academic developments as required
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
- Director of Learning and Teaching – Chair
- University Librarian or nominee
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori or nominee
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific or nominee
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity or nominee
- A representative from each faculty who has responsibility within the faculty for the quality of teaching and learning
- One professor elected by the professoriate
- One sub-professorial member elected by the sub-professorial staff
- Senior team lead, Ranga Auaha Ako
- Three student representatives, one of whom will represent postgraduate students
Teaching and Learning Quality Committee meets bi-monthly and reports to Education Committee.
Committee members and term of office
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Holds office until |
Professor Bridget Kool |
Ex-officio |
Director of Learning and Teaching
Holds office until |
Dr Gayle Morris – Chair |
Ex-officio |
University Librarian or nominee |
Holds office until
Dr N Rawnsley |
Ex-officio |
Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori
or nominee
Holds office until |
Professor T K Hoskins |
Ex-officio |
Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific
or nominee
Holds office until |
Professor Jemaima Tiatia-Siau
Ex-officio |
Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity
or nominee
Holds office until |
Professor Cathy Stinear
Ex-officio |
A representative from each faculty who has responsibility within the faculty for the quality of teaching and learning
Holds office until
Dr L Diggelmann, Arts
Ex-officio |
Dr D Carrie, Business and Economics |
Ex-officio |
Dr P Boarin, Creative Arts and Industries |
Ex-officio |
Mrs G Ledger, Education and Social Work |
Ex-officio |
Dr E del Rey Castillo, Engineering |
Ex-officio |
Ms B Davies, Law |
Ex-officio |
Dr J Egan, Medical and Health Sciences |
Ex-officio |
Professor A Luxton-Reilly, Science |
Ex-officio |
One Professor, Elected by the Professoriate |
Holds office until |
One Sub-professorial Member elected by the Sub-professorial Staff
Holds office until |
Ms M Clune
31.01.2028 |
Senior Team Lead /Ranga Auaha Ako
Holds office until |
Ms S Reid |
Three Student Representatives, one of whom will represent postgraduate students |
Holds office until |
M Lee
F Kapao |
A Martins |
In Attendance
Holds office until |
Ms K Rangsivek, Senior Researcher and Analyst
Mr A Hartley, AD - Academic Solutions |
Dr D Hayward, Manager Academic Quality Office |
Mrs J Pitts, Space Planning Manager |
Mr S Leichtweis, Head of eLearning Group |
Learning and Teaching Environments Subcommittee reports to Teaching and Learning Quality Committee
Committee Secretary
Sanela Hamulic
Email: sanela.hamulic@auckland.ac.nz
Schedule of meetings
Date |
Time |
11 February 2025 |
9.00am |
8 April 2025 |
9.00am |
3 June 2025 |
9.00am |
12 August 2025 |
9.00am |
14 October 2025 |
9.00am |
16.12.2024 |
9.00am |