Teaching and Learning Quality Committee

Terms of reference

  • To recommend on policies and activities that align with the University’s strategic objectives for teaching and learning
  • To monitor the quality of teaching and learning
  • To support delivery of learning and teaching strategic objectives in relation to the University’s obligations to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • To advise and recommend on policies and procedures for the evaluation of teaching and learning
  • To identify priorities in the scholarship of learning and teaching, academic staff development, learning design, and student learning support activities
  • To monitor and recommend on academic integrity and academic misconduct policy matters and reporting
  • To advise, recommend on and administer annual University of Auckland Learning Enhancement Grants, Teaching Excellence Awards and University of Auckland nominations for national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards
  • To advise Connect and provide pedagogical expertise on issues related to learning and teaching digital infrastructure.
  • To advise Property Services and provide pedagogical expertise on issues related to learning and teaching physical infrastructure.
  • To serve as a reference group for academic developments as required


  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
  • Director of Learning and Teaching – Chair
  • University Librarian or nominee
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori or nominee
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific or nominee
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity or nominee
  • A representative from each faculty who has responsibility within the faculty for the quality of teaching and learning
  • One professor elected by the professoriate
  • One sub-professorial member elected by the sub-professorial staff
  • Senior team lead, Ranga Auaha Ako
  • Three student representatives, one of whom will represent postgraduate students

Teaching and Learning Quality Committee meets bi-monthly and reports to Education Committee.

Committee members and term of office

Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Holds office until
Professor Bridget Kool   Ex-officio
Director of Learning and Teaching
Holds office until
Dr Gayle Morris – Chair Ex-officio
University Librarian or nominee Holds office until
Mrs N Rawnsley Ex-officio
Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori
or nominee 
Holds office until
Associate Professor T K Hoskins Ex-officio
Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific
or nominee
Holds office until
Professor Jemaima Tiatia-Siau
Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity
or nominee
Holds office until
Professor Cathy Stinear
A representative from each faculty who has responsibility within the faculty for the quality of teaching and learning
Holds office until
Dr L Diggelmann, Arts
Dr D Carrie, Business and Economics Ex-officio
Dr P Boarin, Creative Arts and Industries Ex-officio
Mrs G Ledger, Education and Social Work Ex-officio
Dr E del Rey Castillo, Engineering Ex-officio
Ms B Davies, Law Ex-officio
Dr J Egan, Medical and Health Sciences Ex-officio
Professor A Luxton-Reilly, Science Ex-officio
One Professor, Elected by the Professoriate Holds office until
Professor M Morton  31.01.2025
One Sub-professorial Member elected by the Sub-professorial Staff
Holds office until
Dr J McIntosh
Senior Team Lead /Ranga Auaha Ako
Holds office until
Ms S Reid Ex-officio
Three Student Representatives, one of whom will represent postgraduate students Holds office until
L Zubair
B Bonné 30.11.2024
T Wallace-Ihakara   30.11.2024
In Attendance
Holds office until
Ms K Rangsivek, Senior Researcher and Analyst
Mr A Hartley, AD - Academic Solutions  
Dr D Hayward, Manager Academic Quality Office  
Ms B Fox, Academic Reviews Manager  
Mrs J Pitts, Space Planning Manager  
Mr S Leichtweis, Head of eLearning Group  

Learning and Teaching Environments Subcommittee reports to Teaching and Learning Quality Committee

Committee Secretary

Sanela Hamulic

Schedule of meetings

Date Time
23.04.2024 9.00am
11.06.2024 9.00am
20.08.2024 9.00am
15.10.2024 9.00am
10.12.2024 9.00am