University Honours Committee

Terms of reference

  • Established under the Honorary Degrees and Awards Statute 2019
  • To consider nominations and make recommendations to the Council for the conferring of Honorary Degrees, Fellowships and other honours.


  1. Conflicts of Interest
    Committee members must declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest in line with the requirements of the University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy.
  2. Confidentiality
    Committee members have a responsibility to treat all information with appropriate confidentiality. This includes matters tabled or discussed at the Committee meetings, as well as any additional issues that are raised outside meetings.


  • Chancellor - Chair
  • Pro-Chancellor
  • Vice-Chancellor
  • One member appointed by Council
  • Two members of Senate elected by Senate
  • The student member of Council

The University Honours Committee reports to Council.

Committee members and term of office

Chancellor Holds office until
Ms C Tarrant Ex-officio
Pro-Chancellor Holds office until
Ms C Quinn Ex-officio
Vice-Chancellor Holds office until
Professor D Freshwater Ex-officio
One Member Appointed by Council Holds office until
Ms C Kinser 31.12.2025
Two Members of Senate Elected by Senate Holds office until
Associate Professor E Yiu 31.01.28
The Student Member of Council Holds office until
Mr F Fia 31.10.25

Committee Secretary

Wendy Verschaeren
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 85782

Schedule of meetings

There are no scheduled dates for the University Honours Committee.