About UniNews

UniNews is a monthly publication, from March to December. It focuses on staff and student achievements at the University, as well as arts, culture and books.

UniNews 2023 covers
UniNews 2023 covers

UniNews editor 2024

Caitlin Sykes

Mobile: +64 21 817 529

Email: caitlin.sykes@auckland.ac.nz

Please send ideas for stories and submissions as early as possible each month to allow time for photos and planning. 

To be added to the UniNews circulation list or to amend the number of copies your department receives, please email: uninewsdistribution@auckland.ac.nz

2024 publication schedule

Month  Copy deadline Publication (approx)
March Monday 12 Feb Friday  1 March
April Monday 11 March Tuesday 2 April (Easter 29 March, 1 April)
May Monday 15 April Wednesday 1 May (Anzac 25 April)
June   Monday 13 May Friday 31 May (King's BDay 3 June)
July Friday 14 June Monday 1 July  (Matariki 28 June)
August Wednesday 17 July Thursday 1 August 
September Monday 12 August Monday 2 September
October Friday 13 September Tuesday 1 October
November Monday 14 October Friday  1 November (Labour Day 28 October)
December Wednesday 13 November Monday 2 December
2022 covers of UniNews
2022 covers of UniNews
2021 covers of UniNews
2020 issues of UniNews
2020 issues of UniNews