July 2020
Inside July 2020: Lara Greaves: My Story; Peter Hunter, always innovating at the ABI; Tim Dare and Ed Gane on the threat of Hepatitis C; Karamia Müller on Black Lives Matter; Poetry winners; Covid-19 archive collection call.

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Document Description: Read the whole of July UniNews in PDF form.
Cover story
Dr Lara Greaves: Aku Kōrero (My Story) PDF only
Lara is taking on the challenge of Māori politics, policy and protest.
The challenge of copyright
Melanie Johnson explains the challenges faced by universities all over New Zealand when they went into lockdown and students didn't have all their books.
Peter Hunter's MedTech Mind
The Auckland Bioengineering Institute is known globally for its innovation. Its director, Distinguisher Professor Peter Hunter, plans to grow it further.
A sleeping virus people may not know they have
Professor Ed Gane has saved the life of Professor Tim Dare. Now the two are pairing up to explain why it's important to be tested for Hepatitis C.
Tertiary Foundation students unlock their poetic minds
During lockdown, students doing the Tertiary Foundation Certificate entered a poetry competition called Lockdown Breakout. The results were impressive.
Regular items
Māramatanga: Opinion
Other stories on the PDF only
Snapshots: Dr Miro Erkintalo, Staff Survey, Dame Jane Harding public lecture, Ngā Roimata o Ranginui
Good to Know
Moving up the top 100
Anti-vax growth
Call for contributions to the Special Collections Covid-19 archive
Stress link to eating disorders
Fitness during the pandemic
Carol Mutch: research excellence medal
Arts and Culture
Peter Robinson: creating a new world online
Books: Gearing Up; Colin Maiden, an Energetic Life Revisited; You Have a Lot to Lose: A Memoir (C.K.Stead)
Email us: uninews@auckland.ac.nz
UniNews editor
Denise Montgomery
DDI: +64 9 923 6061
Mobile: 027 224 0181