May 2020
Inside May 2020: Susan Morton and Growing Up in NZ; Siouxsie answers a few Qs; Keith Petrie and students get lucky at Stanford; Dr Marama Muru-Lanning and the impact of Covid on kaumātua; new te reo app opens the door to language acquisition. Plus Peter Adams on death.

UniNews May 2020. Size: 2.1 MB.
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Cover story
Growing Up in New Zealand: now they are eight
Professor Susan Morton says Covid-19 has heightened the need to upgrade technology to keep up with the Growing Up in New Zealand study children.
Study to assess the impact of Covid-19 on tikanga
Dr Marama Muru-Lanning, director of the James Henare Māori Research Centre, and University of Auckland colleagues have a Health Research Council grant to assess the impact of Covid-19 on kaumātua and tikanga.
University's Māori language app set to inspire te reo Māori learners
Te Kūaha aims to teach language and tikanga to staff and students.
Professor Keith Petrie and students time it right for Stanford trip
Professor Keith Petrie and a group of students from the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences recently visited Stanford University, just in the nick of time.
Professor Peter Adams: thinking about his death, all the time
Peter Adams says there's nothing wrong with thinking about your own death: it's part of life. He's written a book about it.
Regular items
My Story: Siouxsie Wiles
Dr Siouxsie Wiles has been at the forefront of an information campaign about Covid-19. She's answered a lot of questions for people. We ask her some more.
Māramatanga: Opinion
Ralph Cooney: 'We can pause long enough to reconsider our climate priorities'
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