July 2021
Inside this issue of UniNews: Professor Andreas Neef and the dark side of tourism; Professor Nicola Dalbeth and the facts about gout; Alys Longley stretches creativity across the globe; Robert Bartholomew on Māori segregration; Kaita Sem leads the way. Plus all that's 'Good to Know' and staff 'In the News'.

Cover story
Professor Andreas Neef: We need to open our eyes to the dark side of tourism
Covid-19 has had a major impact on tourism. Professor Andreas Neef says it's a good time to have a rethink about the type of tourism the world needs.
Features and Regulars
Professor Nicola Dalbeth wants the facts crystal clear about gout
Nicola Dalbeth is an internationally respected gout specialist and researcher. She says it’s a disease with much misinformation about its causes
Alys Longley's creative ways to fill a vacuum
Associate Professor Alys Longley didn’t let a little pandemic get in the way of collaborative global arts projects,
Robert Bartholomew: shining light on a shameful era of Māori segregation
Opinion: Robert Bartholomew says it’s time to educate about a dark chapter of Māori racial segregation. Because while history may not repeat, it speaks to the present.
Leadership programme for Māori and Pacific students removes barriers
A leadership programme for Māori and Pacific students at the University of Auckland helps ensure every chance of success.
Grad expectations - four graduates from June 2021 pg 3
Good to Know
Arts kaiārahi pg 4
New migration theories pg 4
Theresa Gattung boosts equity in business pg 4
Orbis Diagnostics pg 4
International student Nicole Hayton Pg 5
In the News (see page 2 of PDF)
Associate Professor Melani Anae
Dr Suresh Muthukumaraswam
Dr Helen Murray
Barkin Sertkaya
Professor Shaun Hendy
Professor Des Gorman
New books Pg 11
Adventures of a Psychologist: Reflections on What Made Up the Mind by Emeritus Professor of Psychology Michael Corballis
The Future is Feminine: Capitalism and the Masculine Disorder by Dr Ciara Cremin (Sociology)
Art and Culture
From Our Beautiful Square, at the Fisher Art Gallery
University at La Biennale di Venezia, or Architecture Biennale,
Email us: uninews@auckland.ac.nz
Copy deadline is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication.
UniNews editor
Denise Montgomery
DDI: +64 9 923 6061 In the office Tuesday-Thursday
Mobile: 027 224 0181 Monday to Friday