March 2021
Inside this issue of UniNews: Student Mei Gillespie beats lockdown stress; Dr Collin Tukuitonga's Covid-19 year; Prof Jan Lindsay and volcanoes; Staff giving feature including Manaaki Mānawa; AUSA president Anamika Harirajh; Robin Hyde honoured and her son remembered

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Cover story
Mei Gillespie's inspiring story of getting crafty to get through 2020
Student Mei Gillespie has been plagued by mental health challenges and feared she would never get an education. But in 2020 she enrolled in the Tertiary Foundation Certificate and learned something unexpected she thinks will help her forever.
Features and Regulars
Dr Collin Tukuitonga: our Covid-19 message is clear
Dr Collin Tukuitonga is trying to spread simple scientific health messages to Pacific communities and beyond.
My Story: Anamika Harirajh
The president of the Auckland University Students' Association says students have been doing it tough but the AUSA has shaped up and grown to be the best it can be to help them.
Māramatanga opinion: Jan Lindsay
Professor Jan Lindsay says the tragic Whakaari volcanic eruption highlights the issues around how scientists can best communicate risk and hazard.
Research into heart disease the driving force for Manaaki Mānawa
A new fundraising appeal will support heart research being undertaken at Manaaki Mānawa, the Centre for Heart Research.
Student's dream a step closer after staff generosity
An uplifting highlight from the challenges of 2020 was the generosity of staff and former staff. They donated more than they’ve ever given before.
UNESCO honour for Robin Hyde
The University of Auckland's City Campus library houses many taonga in its Special Collections area – among those the literary papers of writer Robin Hyde.
Michele Leggott's tribute to Derek Challis, son of Robin Hyde
Derek Challis, son of writer Robin Hyde, died in January 2021 aged 90. Professor Michele Leggott paid tribute to a man who overcame a tough start.
Good to Know
All these items on PDF only
Ihaka Lecture Series in July/August
Top-up time for new teachers
High honours for staff (New Year)
Kawakawa drink being developed
Inaugural lectures:
18 March: Professor Anthony Phillips
13 May: Professor Kim Phillips
Film: Revolt She Said
Documentary by alumna Louise Lever, was scheduled for 8 March
In the News (see page 2 of PDF)
Dr Geoffrey Handsfield
Dr Joel Rindelaub
Associate Professor Cate Macinnis-Ng
Student Hannah Davey
Student Russell Boey
Email us:
UniNews editor
Denise Montgomery
DDI: +64 9 923 6061 In the office Tuesday-Thursday
Mobile: 027 224 0181 Monday to Friday
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