October 2021
Inside this issue of UniNews: Professor Rachel Fewster and loving stats and nature; Stephen Hoadley tracks US history of retreats over 50 years; Irene Chapple and Annie Goldson's doco 'A Mild Touch of Cancer'; Jim Speers and Tu Neill's doco 'Ayukawa'; Doughnut connections through a bot; plus 'Good to Know' and staff 'In the News'.

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Cover story
Rachel Fewster: saving lives using statistics
Professor Rachel Fewster tells the story of how statistics and wildlife led to her joyful career.
Film-makers tell the story of a whaling village through inhabitants' eyes
Elam's Jim Speers and alumnus Tu Neill talk about their whaling documentary Ayukawa: The Weight of a Life screening at the NZ International Film Festival.
Doctoral student John Middleton: talking about Tokelauan
Although John Middleton doesn’t speak Tokelauan, he’s keen to ensure others do ahead of Tokelau Language Week.
Stephen Hoadley: 'It's not the end of the American century'
Opinion: Associate professor Stephen Hoadley tracks the US history of 'retreats' during his lifetime and says for every 'failure' he can point to a qualified success.
Student and professor collaborate for inspiring cancer documentary
Masters student Irene Chapple worked with Professor Annie Goldson to tell the story of David Downs and others who have received CAR T-cell cancer therapy. The film will screen on Prime and at the NZ International Film Festival
All these items on PDF only
In the News (Pg 2 of PDF)
Dr Owen Sinclair
Associate Professor Andrew Sporle
Dr Timothy Welch
Associate Professor Asaad Shamseldin
Dr Julia Slark
'Good to Know' stories
Professor Cathy Stinear's new role Pg 4
Paralympic athlete Anna Steven Pg 4
$24m from Endeavour Fund (including Professor Grant Covic) Pg 5
Helen Petousis-Harris in running for global award Pg 5
Professor Clare Wall honoured Pg 5
University's THE rankings up Pg 5
Dates with doughnuts
Meeting Joe Standen, manager of identity and access
Toi me te Ahurea Art and Culture
Books pg 11
Crazy Love by Rosetta Allan, Penguin
Ten Acceptable Acts of Arson and Other Very Short Stories by Jack Remiel Cottrell, Wilson, CUP
Shifting Grounds: Deep Histories of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland by Lucy Mackintosh, BWB
Lawyers Beyond Borders By Maria Armoudian, University of Michigan Press
Email us: uninews@auckland.ac.nz
Copy deadline is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication.
UniNews editor
Denise Montgomery
DDI: +64 9 923 6061 In the office Tuesday-Thursday
Mobile: 027 224 0181 Monday to Friday