October 2022
Inside this issue of UniNews: Melinda Webber, Nikki Chamberlain, Anna Hood, tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.

Cover story
Melinda Webber: busting stereotypes
Professor Melinda Webber says negative stories about Māori tūpuna have had a serious impact. She is helping counteract that by showcasing their inspiring lives in a book.
Former lawyer rekindles love of the law by teaching
After practising as a lawyer, it took a return to study to rekindle Nikki Chamberlain’s love of the law.
Anna Hood: frustration at stalled nuclear agreement
Opinion: With a rise in risk that nuclear weapons might be deployed, Dr Anna Hood says it is frustrating to see mere lip service paid to disarmament.
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II at the University
The Queen at the University, in photos.
All these items on interactive PDF
In the News (pg 2 of PDF)
Professor Carolyn Crowther
Dr Priyanka Dhopade
Dr Doug Wilson
Professor Deidre Brown
Professor Toni Bruce
'Good to Know' stories
Vice-chancellors' tree tradition pg 4
ABI and Digital People pg 4
Marae upgrade pg 4
Honour for whale expert pg 5
Blues awards pg 5
Arts and Culture
Paula Morris Arts Laureate pg 10
Jeremy Armstrong's Roman replica pg 10
48 Hour Film Festival with Missing Pixels pg 11
Selling Britishness: Commodity Culture, the Dominions and Empire
Felicity Barnes, Auckland University Press, $50
Wawata: Moon Dreaming, Daily Wisdom Guided by Hina, the Māori Moon
Hinemoa Elder, Penguin Random House, $35, released 5 October
Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised
Alice Te Punga Somerville, AUP, $25
Vā: Stories by Women of the Moana
Editors Sisilia Etuati and Lani Wendt Young, Tatou Publishing, $35, or online as a Kindle
If you have a book to tell people about, email: uninews@auckland.ac.nz