May 2024

Inside this issue of UniNews: Zoë Avery, Robert Greenberg, Sam Mehr, Paul Kilmartin, new artworks and more.

April 2024 UniNews cover with George Laking on the cover with other UniNews in the background

Cover story

Urban designer Zoë Avery’s vision for cities

To help address the ‘polycrisis’ of climate change, biodiversity collapse and energy consumption, our cities need to be greener, healthier and more sustainable. Urban designer Zoë Avery is leading the charge.

Other stories

Paul Kilmartin: hitting the marc

From wine to LPs, Professor Paul Kilmartin sees the impact of chemistry everywhere.

Samuel Mehr: scientist unravelling music's mysteries

What is music? How does it work? Why does it exist? They’re the big questions Samuel Mehr and The Music Lab seek to answer.

Māramatanga opinion: Why familiar spaces are so important

Opinion: Four Pro Vice-Chancellors at the University of Auckland outline why the University's support networks for diverse groups are so vital to academic success.

All these items on interactive PDF 

Farewell to Robert Greenberg Pg 3
Read the longer story

In the News (pg 2 of PDF)

Lisa Pilkington
Martje Abbenhuis
James Russell
Ritesh Shah
Boyd Swinburn
Claire Charters

'Good to Know' stories 4-6

New schools partnership
Subject rankings rise
Landmark dementia study
Researchers with global reach event

Arts and Culture

Significant artworks in the library, pg 10
Lifetime contribute: Linda Tuhiwai Smith and the Distinguished Alumni pg 11


Environmental Defenders: Fighting for Our Natural World
Raewyn Peart, Bateman Books, $80

AUP New Poets 10
Edited and introduction by Anne Kennedy, AUP, $30

The Fatter Sex: A Battle Plan for Women’s Weight Health and Humour
Sacha Jones, Umbilical Books, $49