Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū | Sustainability Strategy
A sustainable future requires us to take action and to be deliberate about the environmental, social, and financial choices we make to reduce our impact on the climate and improve equity and well-being for all.

Taumata Teitei Vision 2030 signals a strong commitment to sustainability, the preservation and enhancement of our natural world, as well as an emphasis on the positive impact that Waipapa Taumata Rau must have on the global, social, and economic systems critical to collective problem-solving and equitable outcomes across the world. At the forefront we must demonstrate our belief in thriving ecosystems, fair and inclusive societies, innovation-led economies, and to meet our responsibilities to Māori, Pacific, and students of all socio-economic backgrounds.
Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū | Sustainability Strategy context papers
These context papers provided some background for the development of Te Rautaki Aronga Toitū | Sustainability Strategy. They were not intended to disseminate a full spectrum of information but rather to give staff, students, and the wider community a useful synthesis of information in the key areas of general interest.
Efficiency and resource use
The University of Auckland has undertaken considerable work over many years to improve the efficiency of our resource uses and impact on the environment. Much of this ongoing and previous work is described in the three papers: Energy and Utilities, Waste, and Biodiversity. These are information-rich and serve as a strong base for continued work.
Carbon reduction
Carbon reduction is an urgent current and ongoing need. Our recent carbon audit and imperatives for actions are described in the Carbon and Climate, Staff and Student Travel Research, and Local Transport context papers.
International air travel
International air travel is the most significant contributor to our carbon footprint – as an institution and as individuals. It is discussed in some detail in three of the context papers, in order to quantify our travel kilometres and carbon cost (Carbon and Climate), consider why it is important to us (Sustainability and Research), and give comparisons to other institutions and alternatives to travel (Staff and Student Travel Research).
Teaching and research
The Sustainability and Research and Student Experience context papers outline sustainability factors in teaching and research. They highlight the importance of incorporating sustainability in both what we research and teach, and in how we research and teach. Integration of research and teaching in the Living Lab concept paper describes this opportunity and the potential benefits.