Creating business leaders who are informed, engaged and active in driving a more sustainable future

Andrew Eberhard, Director of Business Masters, Graduate School of Management, and Dr Parizad Mulla, Professional Teaching Fellow, Management and International Business, Faculty of Business and Economics.
Our Business School’s mission is to shape the futures of people and organisations for the benefit of Aotearoa New Zealand and the world. Our teaching is energised by our commitment to inspire our students and unleash the potential of future business leaders to drive a better future. We give our students the tools to understand how sustainable business practices can enhance social, environmental and economic stability and wellbeing.
Since 2010 our course assessment and goals have been based on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (and now the Sustainable Development Goals). By embedding sustainability into our course content, assessments and operational delivery, our staff and students have an increased awareness of sustainability and, more importantly, are actively looking for sustainable solutions to real-world problems.