News and opinion

The latest news and views from the University of Auckland.

Feature Article

25 July 2024

Opinion: The final report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care is 16 volumes of tragedy and grief, but also hope for a better future, writes Stephen Winter.

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Arts and culture

  • A portrait of Avril Bell in her office at her desk with books in the background.

    24 July 2024

    The experiences of people who work with, and for, Māori communities guided by their commitments to te Tiriti o Waitangi is the subject of a new book by sociologist Avril Bell.

  • View from street levels,  Auckland's CBD, view of glass buildings

    20 July 2024

    Opinion: Form often follows finance as much, if not more than function, and that’s clearly the case in Auckland’s central city, writes Dr Elizabeth Aitken-Rose

  • Large choir at Auckland Town Hall

    9 July 2024

    Opinion: That New Zealand is hosting a major choral event with more than 11,000 singers from more than 30 countries is a tribute to our excellent reputation, says Gregory Camp.

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