The University has seven transdisciplinary University centres that focus on pioneering research.
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ABI is a cross-faculty research centre which deals with the application of mathematical and engineering sciences to biology and human physiology.
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The University’s first large-scale research institute aims to improve lifelong health through research into long-term consequences of early life events.
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CoREs are government-funded centres to promote academic inquiry into areas considered of national and international importance.
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These challenges bring together scientists from different institutions and disciplines to find solutions to the large, complex issues that affect our lives.
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Koi Tū is an independent, apolitical think tank and research centre focused on long-term impacts of technological, economic, environmental and social change.
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The PPI provides independent analysis and insight into key policy issues affecting New Zealand and the world.
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Find out about the amazing research and education taking place in our faculties, departments and schools.
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The James Henare Māori Research Centre focuses on providing excellent research for the benefit of Māori communities in the Tai Tokerau region.
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