A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
Search nowCriteria and processes applied in considering applications for promotion across a range of academic positions.
Academic Promotion Policy and Procedures
Provides the overarching approach to academic promotion at the University.
Associate Professor Promotion Procedures
Sets out the criteria and procedures applied by the University in considering applications for promotion to associate professor.
Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Research Fellows, Senior Research Fellows Promotion Procedures
Sets out the procedures applied by the University in considering applications for promotion to senior lecturer, senior research fellow, senior lecturer above the bar and senior research fellow above the bar.
Professional Teaching Fellow and Senior Tutor Promotion Procedures
Sets out the criteria and processes applied by the University in considering applications for promotion within the grade of Professional Teaching Fellow and Senior Tutor.
Professor Promotion Procedures
Sets out the criteria and procedures applied by the University in considering applications for promotion to professor.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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