PhD Domestic Tuition Fees Policy
PhD candidates who wish to pay domestic tuition fees at the University.
This document specifies the requirements for eligibility for domestic tuition fees for PhD enrolment.
1. PhD candidates who are New Zealand citizens are eligible to pay domestic tuition fees.
2. PhD candidates who are not New Zealand citizens are eligible to pay domestic tuition fees provided they are:
- resident in New Zealand for the duration of their PhD enrolment, except for 5 weeks of annual leave during each year of enrolment, and supervisor-approved days of travel to, and attendance at, international conferences related to the PhD, and except as allowed under clause 3 of this policy.
3. Excluding 5 weeks of annual leave during each year of enrolment, and supervisor-approved days of travel to and attendance at international conferences related to the PhD, PhD candidates who are not New Zealand citizens may spend up to 12 months in total overseas across all periods of enrolment for the PhD, provided that the time overseas is for the purposes of PhD research that cannot be conducted in New Zealand at an equivalent level.
4. The Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) determines whether an activity constitutes research that cannot be conducted in New Zealand at an equivalent level (“the research requirements at clause 3”).
Note: Periods of off-campus research are subject to the requirements of the Doctoral Off-campus Research Policy and Procedures.
5. For the avoidance of doubt:
a) the writing up of research overseas does not meet the research requirements at clause 3, and an exception can only be made pursuant to clause 8.
b) the 12 month limit at clause 3 cannot be pro-rated; it applies regardless of whether a candidate is enrolled full-time or part-time
c) the annual leave allowance referenced at clause 2 and clause 3 cannot be carried over across years of enrolment; annual leave cannot be used for the conduct of research or other work on the thesis
d) PhD candidates are not enrolled while on suspension, or while the thesis is under examination; no work that advances a PhD can be undertaken while a candidate is on suspension (see the Doctoral - Suspension of Enrolment Policy and Procedures)
6. Except where clause 8 permits otherwise, PhD candidates who are not New Zealand citizens will lose their eligibility for domestic fees if they spend more than 12 months overseas during their enrolment (excluding the annual leave and conference attendance allowed under clause 2), or if time spent overseas during enrolment (excluding the annual leave and conference attendance allowed under clause 2) does not meet the research requirements at clause 3.
7. Where a PhD candidate loses eligibility for domestic fees, they will be subject to international fees from the date on which the most recent payment of domestic tuition fees was due, and for the remainder of the enrolment regardless of whether the candidate returns to New Zealand.
8. The criteria for eligibility for domestic fees is set by the New Zealand Government, is non-negotiable, and may be subject to change.
- Where a candidate has been approved by the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) to commence their PhD enrolment overseas during the COVID 19 New Zealand border restrictions, or where a candidate who is unable to resume PhD study in New Zealand owing to the COVID 19 border restrictions has been permitted by the Board of Graduate Studies (or delegate) to progress their PhD work from overseas, the approved period of time does not count towards the 12 months permitted under clause 3 and is not a breach of the research requirements at clause 3.
The following definitions apply to this document:
Domestic tuition fees are the tuition fees payable by New Zealand citizens for study at the University.
Overseas means outside New Zealand.
PhD candidates are students who are enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University.
Suspensions are periods of time during which a candidate’s enrolment is put on hold (suspended) when they are unable to continue with their research programme because of circumstances beyond their control.
University means the University of Auckland and includes all subsidiaries.
Key relevant documents
Include the following:
Document management and control
Content manager: School of Graduate Studies
Owner: Pro Vice-Chancellor Global and Graduate Research
Approved by: Board of Graduate Studies, Senate and Council
Date approved: 11 December 2023
Review date: 11 December 2028