Contact us | Whakapā mai

Have an enquiry, specific need or feedback? Here's how you can get in touch.

Emergencies and safety on campus

Urgent emergency and medical assistance

In cases of emergency where you are afraid for the safety of yourself or those around you, and you need the assistance of police, an ambulance, or fire services, call 111.

University Security team

For all other emergencies, please call the University Security team. Their phone lines are open 24/7.

  • Phone: 0800 373 7550
  • Internal phone: 966

Students | Ngā tauira

UoA Assistant

Get immediate answers to common questions by starting a conversation with our chatbot. Click on blue icon at the bottom right-hand side of this screen to get started.


AskAuckland is your 24/7 online help and support centre. Search our frequently asked questions.

Queries and non-urgent assistance

We're currently experiencing issues with emails routing to our front-line staff. If you are not able to visit us in person, please use our form to submit your query.

Student Hubs

On campus

For assistance and advice on any aspect of your studies and life at the University, visit the Student Hubs on campus to speak with one of our hub advisers in person.

Our Student Hubs are open most days from 8am-8pm, and that includes weekends. Drop in to a Student Hub near you!

Please take note of the Student Hubs End-of year closedown periods. More information can be found on their website.

Postal address

The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Alumni | Ngā raukura

Other enquiries

Feedback and complaints

Provide feedback to help us improve our services, visit Complaints and incidents.


For any general media relations enquiries, contact the Media and Communications team.

Research and consultancy

To find out how research can benefit your business, reach out to the UniServices team through the UniServices Contact us form.

Student recruitment advisers

To learn more about our schools outreach programme, contact the Schools and Community Engagement team.

Schedule the Vice-Chancellor for an event

To make a scheduling request for the Vice-Chancellor Professor Dawn Freshwater, complete the scheduling request form.

Staff | Ngā kaimahi