About the Society

Formed in 1989, the University of Auckland Society gathered alumni and friends to advocate for the University and promote its best interests. The Society dissolved in June 2024.

On Wednesday, 11 December 2024, we held a special event to celebrate the impact of the former University of Auckland Society.

While this was the last official event for the Society, the good work started by the Alumni Association and the Society continues via the Alumni Relations and Development team.

The University is committed to maintaining and updating alumni services and activities, including setting up an Alumni Advisory Council as recommended by the Society.

Initiatives loved by members, including, but not limited to, the monthly e-newsletter @auckland, the alumni magazine Ingenio, the Distinguished Alumni Awards, the Golden Graduates Lunch, and Raising the Bar, ensure the legacy lives on. 

Former members are invited to continue their membership or join the Staff Common Room in Old Government House.


The University of Auckland Alumni Association was established in 1989 with real passion and purpose to fight the Education Amendment Act which threatened the role of universities. The alumni voice was powerful, and the government was forced to listen.

The Alumni Association pioneered a range of activities and services that were
enthusiastically received by alumni. The University recognised the benefit of enabling alumni to engage with and support their University and set up its own Alumni Relations Department.

The Alumni Association name was changed to the University of Auckland Society so that it would not be confused with Alumni Relations. As the Alumni Relations Department expanded the distinctive roles, carried out by the Society, correspondingly shrank.

Following a survey of our members in 2021, it was decided there was no continuing role for the Society, and accordingly resolved to wind up and dissolve In June 2024.

The Alumni Association and the Society created a wonderful set of needed and appreciated services and activities which the University is committed to maintaining and updating into the future.

Read the book

Before dissolving the Society commissioned a written record of the
work of the Alumni Association and the Society. By Degrees The Transformation of Alumni Relations at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland written by Christine Keller Smith, the first Alumni Relations Director.

Order your copy from the Campus Store

Society activities

The Society supported a range of initiatives that have become integral to University life. You can continue to support the University and these programmes through the Alumni Relations and Development Office.

Distinguished Alumni Awards

The Distinguished Alumni Awards pays tribute to six outstanding alumni each year.

Alumni Scholarships Fund

Through the Alumni Scholarship Fund, students facing financial hardship can realise their academic dreams.